Southern Baptist tsunami aid: Gifts at $1.4 million & counting
The checks –- and online donations –- have been streaming into the International Mission Board from Southern Baptists around the nation since tsunamis ravaged Asia Dec. 26.
Among them, one stood out. Clipped to it was a colorful, butterfly-decorated note that read, “This is all I have that I can claim as my own.” The cashier’s check for $3,963.01 and unsigned note left no clue who had been so generous. But the intent was clear:
‘God is hugging me,’ survivor of Iraq attack says from hospital
These "hugs" are especially appropriate for Carrie, herself a "hugger."
Nobody can promote missions causes like the pastor, SBC president says
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)--James Merritt's church is deeply involved in missions, but he says it took an overseas trip to Bolivia for him to really "get it."