Lead On Podcast

Cody Glen Barnhart

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FIRST-PERSON: Pastoral ministry and mental health

The expectation that a pastor is responsible for his own mental health is detrimental to pastors' well-being, Cody Barnhart says. He offers ideas for how churches can help pastors stay healthy.

FIRST-PERSON: Can God love me if I hate myself?

"God designed the Gospel for us unworthies," Cody Barnhart reminds of times when doubt or self-hate creep in. "Instead of being antithetical to God's salvation, your sickness and shame actually pave the way for it."

FIRST-PERSON: Using your gifts

Cody Barnhart describes how a Christian's giftedness can have an impact in the local church, in the everyday world and in global missions.

FIRST-PERSON: Advice for students

Cody Barnhart, relaying counsel to fellow students for avoiding spiritual burnout, suggests ways to elevate the school year beyond academic success. "Nothing beats close friendship with Jesus," Barnhart, a seminary student, writes.