
Connie Cavanaugh

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FIRST-PERSON: Taking off the mask

COCHRANE, Alberta, Canada (BP)--One day Susan called and asked if I had time to squeeze in a walk. We hadn’t walked for weeks because life had dished up a few extra helpings on both our plates. I missed our visits and although I greatly desired to go, I told her I was too busy.

The Sanctuary, a church planting movement that is a catalyst for growing in faith

TORONTO (BP)--Christians praying for a movement of God should look north, specifically to the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) with a population of 5.3 million and an urban sprawl that spans five Canadian cities. There, an ever-growing group of church planters believes God has called them to live out the principles of authentic Christianity as practiced by first-century followers of Christ.

Church’s ‘Titanic Moment’ connected with Sept. 11

LUFKIN, Texas (BP)--When Carpenter's Way Baptist Church staged its production of "Titanic Moment," they never dreamed how significant the timing would be. Opening night of the five-day run was Sept. 9, 2001. Two days later, the world reacted in horror to the events at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a rural Pennsylvania field.

Courageous stands carry a price for 30-member church in Canada

PINCHER CREEK, Alberta, Canada (BP)--Members of Heartland Christian Community Church knew the price they would pay if they spoke up on certain issues in their small town. But they did it anyway.

Her former drug-scene friends say she’ll ‘get over it,’ b

COCHRANE, Alberta, Canada (BP)–After years of being known as a party girl, Susie Henley, 30, has a new life in Christ. “A lot of my friends have pulled away from me. They’re freaked out,” Susie said. “I was the acid queen, the party girl. They think I’ll ‘get over it,’ but I haven’t.” Susie leapt […]

10-year quest to meet God culminates in a father’s love, confession,

COCHRANE, Alberta, Canada (BP)–At 19, Hermann Brandt had his final conversation with God. Or so he thought. “God, I’ve tried Christianity and it doesn’t work. If you want me, you come to me,” he prayed. Brandt, now 33, grew up in a minister’s home in South Africa. He tried to live the Christian life but […]