
James A. Smith Sr./Florida Baptist Witness

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Movement seeks ‘1 Million Men’ to fight pornography addiction

OKLAHOMA CITY (BP) -- Pornography is the "pink elephant in the pew" -- the embarrassing, big subject no one wants to talk about -- and that silence is feeding a "bubonic plague" harming churches, pastor Jay Dennis told state Baptist convention executive directors and editors gathered in Oklahoma City.

FIRST-PERSON: Religious freedom — at the cost of $1.3 million per day

Columnist James A. Smith Sr. says Christians should pay attention to the religious liberty legal battle involving Hobby Lobby, which could face millions of dollars in fines for not paying for abortion-inducing drugs.

Luter, while opposed to Obama on gay marriage, appreciative of 5-min. call with him

TAMPA, Fla. (BP) -- Fred Luter and Barack Obama share historical distinctions as African Americans' first Southern Baptist Convention and U.S. presidents, respectively, but on the political-moral issue of gay marriage they are on opposite sides -- a disagreement driven by Luter's commitment to the Bible.

Verdict reversal requested in Fla. suit

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (BP) — The Florida Baptist Convention has filed two post-trial motions seeking reversal of an “inconsistent” jury verdict in May that found it liable for sexual abuse committed by a former church planting pastor. While the jury found the convention liable for sexual abuse of a minor committed by the pastor, it also […]

Assoc. asks church with sex-offender to resign

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (BP) -- The Jacksonville Baptist Association is seeking a member church's resignation after the church hired a convicted sex-offender to provide pulpit ministry in January.

Verdict vacated against Florida church

LUTZ, Fla. (BP)–A $4.75 million judgment against Idlewild Baptist Church in Lutz, Fla., was vacated by a judge July 19 after he found two jurors concealed relevant information before a trial last fall about a teen injured on a youth ski trip. In September, Idlewild was held liable for injuries sustained by a youth who […]

GCR: Akin discusses its history, intent

WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP)--Although the declaration, "Toward a Great Commission Resurgence," is now the "property" of Southern Baptist Convention President Johnny Hunt, the statement with more than 1,500 endorsers is the handiwork of Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Pastors’ Conf. nominee announced

LUTZ, Fla. (BP)--Michael Catt, senior pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga., will be nominated as president of the Pastors' Conference, Florida pastor Ken Whitten announced June 1.

Welch honored for 32-year ‘soul-winning’ pastorate

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As other church staff and spouses look on, David Cox, co-pastor of First Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Fla., washes the feet of retiring pastor Bobby Welch. Photo by James A. Smith Sr./Florida Baptist Witness
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (BP)--Bobby Welch’s 32-year pastorate at First Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Fla., came to an end Aug. 27, focusing attention on the theme of his ministry –- winning people to faith in Jesus Christ.
      During a special worship service celebration, Welch gave his evangelistic final charge to the congregation and baptized eight people.

Frank Page discusses SBC theological issues

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Frank Page
TAYLORS, S.C. (BP)—In 1980, Frank Page completed a doctor of philosophy degree in Christian ethics at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with the acceptance of his dissertation, “Toward a Biblical Ethic of Women in Ministry,” which strongly advocated unlimited roles for women in ministry, including serving as church pastors.
    In an extensive interview with the Florida Baptist Witness, Page said he recanted those admittedly “radical” and “extreme” views shortly after earning the Ph.D. and he has repeatedly asserted his support of the Baptist Faith and Message statement concerning the matter.