Apartment complexes waiting for churches’ outreach, leader says
DALLAS (BP)--More than 60 percent of Texans live in apartment units, and 96 percent of those tenants are unsaved. That means great potential for ministry exists for churches, according to Barbara Oden, multi-housing church planting consultant with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Jack Graham: SBC president amid cultural upheaval across U.S.
DALLAS (BP)--Jack Graham intends to complete his presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention with the same focus in Indianapolis as it began in St. Louis in 2002 -- exhorting Baptists to be salt and light through a renewed sense of evangelism and missions to America and a lost world.
‘Bar hoppers’ share God’s love with Texas prisoners
HOUSTON (BP)-—Each week, the “bar hoppers” visit their brothers and sisters across Texas, who live in 6-foot by 9-foot cells separated by quarter-inch metal walls.
Post-abortion counseling is important for men, too
PLANO, Texas (BP)--He was a Christian, but years ago he had turned his back on God completely, filling his life with drugs, alcohol and violence. His marriage had fallen apart, he had lost his children and he was virtually penniless.
Hometown Legend: faith & football
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--Though it premieres during baseball season, "Hometown Legend" is a football film. This Christian-based movie, now showing in secular theatres, is based on a novel written by Jerry Jenkins, coauthor of the "Left Behind" series. Jenkins and his son, Dallas, also produced the movie.