Garden connects church, community
BOSTON (BP)--Four decades ago, a fire broke out in a Boston neighborhood. Homes were leveled to ash and lots were left empty. The community banded together and transformed the area ...
Church’s gifts honor retired missionary
COLUMBIA, S.C. (BP)–The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering has a special meaning for Earlewood Baptist Church in Columbia, S.C., as their gifts pay tribute to the memory of retired missionary and Earlewood member Sara Frances Taylor. Taylor, who had served in Argentina for more than four decades, died Nov. 10, 2007, in Columbia, S.C., at age […]
Southern Baptists gave $7.4M in 2006 to fight hunger overseas, in North America
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)--On Aug. 15, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake 90 miles outside of Lima, Peru, shook the countryside and left approximately 33,000 people without shelter and food.
Emeritus missionaries recount field stories
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)--"Are you in the Lord's will?" asked 99-year-old emeritus missionary Ruth Carlisle. "Yes, ma'am," a young woman replied. "Do you want to be a missionary?" Carlisle continued. Again the woman said, "Yes, ma'am."
84 new missionaries appointed
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)—"I was an agnostic during college."
After years of trying to disprove God's existence, Henry Clary realized God is someone you must accept by faith. He was saved in 1995 and just over a year later felt the call to missions in Uruguay -- a place he knew little about. Clary and his wife, Tasha, were among 84 men and women appointed to the mission field July 17 during a service at Grove Avenue Baptist Church in Richmond, Va. Before a crowd of approximately 1,100 people, they committed to join more than 5,100 other International Mission Board missionaries around the globe.
Carver officially promoted to Army chief of chaplains
FORT MYER, Va. (BP)--Doug Carver remembers the day he held a pair of bloody dog tags in his hand. That same hand recently rested on the Bible his wife Sunny gave him for college graduation as he was sworn in as the 23rd U.S. Army Chief of Chaplains. Carver was promoted to major general during ceremonies at Fort Myer, Va., on July 12. He is the first Southern Baptist to hold the position of chief of chaplains since Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Ivan L. Bennett held the post in 1954.
Prayer garden honors missionary
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)–A few days before her death Oct. 11, 1998, International Mission Board missionary Deborah W. McCord spent time in prayer with personnel who were preparing for overseas service, encouraging them with words of experience and love for missions. McCord, then 46, had served -– and prayed — in the Western Pacific, Southeast Asia […]
REAPing a Harvest
Nestled in the Andes Mountains of Peru, most of the people in Santiago de Chocorvos hadn't had the chance to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. But that changed in the small village with the arrival of three Southern Baptist summer missionaries. Kathryn Oder, Lindy Moser, and Elliot Jeffries came to Santiago as part […]
Through sickness & struggles, IMB worker discovers renewal
RICHMOND, Va. (BP)--When Belinda Baker* left to work in East Asia, she planned to settle in, tell her neighbors about Jesus and then leave and go to another place. It would be simple, easy and quick.
Summer missionaries ‘REAP’ harvest in Peru’s mountains
But that changed in the small village with the arrival of three Southern Baptist summer missionaries.
Kathryn Oder, Lindy Moser and Elliot Jeffries came to Santiago as part of the REAP South program (Rapid Entry Advance Plan).