Lead On Podcast

Meredith Yackel

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Replant Lab aims at reducing number of dying churches

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) -- What about a dying church says that our God is great and His Gospel is powerful? This question came to Mark Clifton, national director of replanting at the North American Mission Board, as he stood in front of a declining church in Kansas City. After planting churches across Canada for 25 years, Clifton had moved back to his hometown of Kansas City, Mo., with the intention to continue planting, before God challenged his thinking about declining churches.

Church makes its home among the homeless

CONROE, Texas (BP) -- Jeff Foshee was at the end of his rope. Haunted by depression, fear, and his own misfortunes, he felt he could not hold on any longer. Thanks to a friend's guidance, Foshee's next step landed him at the Houston-area Under Over Fellowship in Conroe. "When I first came to a Sunday service with Under Over, something clicked. It just felt like home," Foshee says. "I have been here ever since."

Replant brings children back to dying church

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (BP) -- Nancy Elliott found herself crying alone in the nursery. She had attended Calvary Church in Englewood, Colo., since she was 14. Now, for the first time, they had no children at church on a Sunday morning. "Not one child," Elliot said. "I went into the nursery and started crying and praying to God to bring children." Little did she know her prayers were about to be answered in ways she didn't expect.

More than 13,000 Charged to Live Life on Mission at Send Conference

The heart of the 2015 Send North America Conference was to see a movement of people from within the church living out the mission of God in their everyday lives.

First-year church plant giving back

WINDSOR, Ontario, Canada (BP) -- After more than 30 years in ministry, pastor Garth Leno stepped down from his role at his church of 10 years, not knowing what his next steps would be. A few months later, he helped form The Gathering. "We started out as just a small group," Leno said of the church in Windsor, Ontario. "We met at my house on Saturday nights for Bible study, and within just a few months, we completely outgrew the living room."

Collegians’ ‘ForColumbus’ aims for long-term impact

COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP) -- The millennial generation doesn't always have the best reputation, and they know it. When Jon Shah, pastor of H2O Church on Ohio State University's campus, asked a group of collegians participating in ForColumbus how they thought people perceived them, they answered with terms like lazy, impatient, entitled and emotional.

NAMB evangelism tool available in Spanish

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) -- Less than a year after North American Mission Board (NAMB) president Kevin Ezell introduced the 3 Circles: Life Conversation Guide at the Southern Baptist Convention in Baltimore, NAMB is releasing a Spanish version of the guide and giving it away. “It has been a priority to provide more Spanish resources,” NAMB’s vice president of evangelism, Al Gilbert said. “I’m thankful that we are now able to offer these evangelism tools to our Hispanic churches. It’s our prayer that pastors will use this to train their members on how to turn everyday

Winter storm underscores disaster preparedness

ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP) -- Winter storm Juno hit areas of the Northeast Monday and Tuesday (Jan. 26-27) and continues to bring moderate to heavy snow in some areas. Although its impact is less than originally predicted, by noon Tuesday Juno had left parts of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island with one to two or more feet of snow.