Selfish Ambition
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. ~ Philippians 2:3 (NIV) We all need to feel that we have a place of significance. But needing to have significance in God's Kingdom is not the villain that torments us — in fact, God made us with […]
Lord, Do It Again!
One hundred years after the Welsh revival of 1904 the heart-cry of millions is, "Lord, do it again!" The eye-witness descriptions of the Welsh revival make our hearts burn as we are told how the glory of the Lord fell on church after church across the little principality of Wales. In time the revival had […]
Recovery Of Urgency
Before evangelism was ever a program or a profession it was a passion for those of us called of God — a passion of the heart that drove us first to our knees and then out into the world to proclaim the gospel. That God-wrought urgency compelled us to tell the waiting world of Him. […]