Team effort fuels vigor for witnessing among Midwestern students, local churches
"Teaching people how to evangelize is a lot like learning a language," Tom Johnston, assistant professor of evangelism, said. "You can sit in a classroom for as long as you want and study the language, but you won't see any fruit from your labor unless you go out and use it. Sometimes the best way is immersion, taking them to the field with little or no training and letting them learn firsthand. Evangelism is the same way."
Mark Coppenger returns to Midwestern with insights into bivocational ministry
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--Bivocational church planting was the focus of Mark Coppenger's message as he returned to Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to deliver a May 13 chapel address during the last week of classes.
Servant listed just once in Scripture keys Patterson’s message at Midwestern
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--The biblical character Onesiphorous was the subject of Paige Patterson's address during Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's academic convocation Jan. 29.
Romanian Baptist recounts Christian life under Communist rule
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--The fall of Romanian communism and the rise of Christianity was Paul Negrut's testimony to students Feb. 28 at Midwestern Seminary.
Scholars believe ‘something happened’ at Jesus’ resurrection, speaker says
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--After spending 10 years as a skeptic and the past 25 years researching the resurrection, Gary Habermas has a solid case for why Jesus did, in fact, rise from the dead.
Contending With Stress
"We have to figure out how to manage all this stress." Richard Swenson's first suggestion: live intentionally. "If you don't fix these problems in your life, nobody else will," Swenson said in the second of his two lectures in Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary's Scudder Lecture Series, March 27-28 in Kansas City, Mo. Swenson voiced the […]
Jesus’ ministry is antidote to American overload, author says
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--Americans are "hitting the wall and collapsing in exhaustion," Richard Swenson said. "Everyone is talking about how weary they are."
‘We have to figure out how to manage all this stress’
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)--"We have to figure out how to manage all this stress."
Seminary profs reflect on study on healthful benefits of prayer
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–With a heart institute study showing that prayer helps patients improve, two Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary professors warn against depending upon scientific verification of a spiritual exercise. The study, led by MidAmerica Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City, Mo., involved 990 randomly assigned heart patients in the coronary care […]
Case for the resurrection presented to ‘ladies and gentlemen of the jury’
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (BP)–Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary students were addressed as the “ladies and gentlemen of the jury” as Michael Whitehead provided evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Whitehead, interim president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has practiced law in Kansas City, Mo., for 25 years. Before making his case, Whitehead explained how Harvard law […]