FIRST-PERSON: Love on autopilot
Rhonda Rhea writes of a yearning for love to be as innate as her tendency to be a knee-bouncer or pen-clicker.
FIRST-PERSON: At the end of your rope?
Rhonda Rhea relays encouragement to those who feel they're at the end of their rope.
FIRST-PERSON: The staple of seeking
Rhonda Rhea tells of what she found in rummaging through the junk drawer and her purse -- and searching through Scripture.
The Staple of Seeking
Searching for the Lord first, foremost, passionately, and continually brings joy into all other searches.
FIRST-PERSON: Rascally feelings
Feelings, when not influenced by the Holy Spirit can be "misleading little scoundrels," Rhonda Rhea writes. "Our feelings will tell us everything is awful when it's not," she writes. "Or tell us everything is fine when it's not."
FIRST-PERSON: Less me. More Him.
Rhonda Rhea reflects on her yearning "to see God do more … in me and through me," knowing that it likely will stretch beyond her comfort zone into serving at the "thorny places" of life.
FIRST-PERSON: It started with a baby & a puppy
Rhonda Rhea reflects on cute videos and other distractions. "But we do only live once here, YOLO as they say," she notes. "I think if someone translated 'YOLO' into Latin, it would be, 'carpe diem.' Every day is one that's begging to be seized."
To Work the Impossible Work
We have power available to accomplish everything worthy of accomplishing—all through the power of the Spirit of God.
Someone Rubbing You the Wrong Way?
It’s only by His grace that we’re able to take the high road and rise above an irritation.
For the Pastor’s Wife: Give Me Real Chocolate—And Real Humility
The spiritual giant is the one who loves Jesus all the way to the altar of sacrifice.