Mission statement, Mississippi partnership approved by Maryland/Delaware Baptists
OCEAN CITY, Md. (BP)–Messengers to the 163rd session of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware approved a new mission statement and established a new partnership with the Mississippi Baptist Convention during their Nov. 9-10 meeting in Ocean City.Messengers meeting at the Sheraton Convention Center in Ocean City, Md., also passed a $4,901,888 budget for 1999 and […]
Resolutions dominate business at Md./Del. Baptist convention
SOLOMON’S ISLAND, Md. (BP)–Apart from singing, sermons and reports, resolutions dominated business sessions of 407 messengers at the 162nd meeting of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, Nov. 10-11 in Solomon’s Island, Md. Messengers re-elected Gary Glanville, pastor of Northwest Baptist Church, Reisterstown, Md., as convention president and passed a $5,368,876 budget for 1998. The resolutions […]