Lead On Podcast

Sarah Davis/Arkansas Baptist News

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Journey Church & adoption: ‘It is in our DNA’

Jan. 20 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in the Southern Baptist Convention. JONESBORO, Ark. (BP) -- In 2011, Dan Reeves began his first sermon series from the book of James as lead pastor of the newly launched Journey Church. At that time, he knew the future ministries of the young congregation were still unclear -- that is until he read from James 1:27: "Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world." Reeves' wife Veronica noted, "As a brand new, closely knit body of believers, we were ...

22 baptized, overflow room used as church adds campus

JONESBORO, Ark. (BP) -- Twenty-two people were baptized, and an overflow room was used during the launch service of a new campus of Central Baptist Church, Jonesboro, Ark., at Greene County Tech High School in Paragould. "This was our first Sunday. We were in an auditorium that seats 999 people, and we had 1,055 people there," said Breck Freeman, administrative pastor of Central Baptist Church and former associate missions team leader at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. "We had an overflow room.... That was one of the most amazing things." "We had 15 people scheduled for baptism, but seven people who had already been saved came forward to be baptized," Freeman said of the Aug. 12 launch.