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Leadership Lessons From a Fellow Laborer


Books and articles on the subject of leadership are plentiful. A trip to the bookstore or shopping online for eBooks will verify this assertion. Sometimes, I am stunned by the titles of such books.

A few years ago, I saw one titled Leadership Principles of Attila the Hun. In all honesty, I must say I bought it. Well, I bought the book — not all the content.

For a Sunday School Leadership conference held in one of our associations, I was asked to speak on the subject of leadership. This is not the first time I have been requested to make such a presentation, but for some reason I had a mental block. I could not discern a direction to take with the assignment.

One late afternoon in the office, I settled down in my chair and asked, “What have I learned about leadership over the years?” I took out a pen and a pad and scribbled down some notes the old-fashioned way.

What you are about to read, if you choose to do so, represents the musings of a minister seeking to be on mission for the Master. These are the simple thoughts of a fellow-laborer who has sought to make a difference for Christ. If they help you in any way, I am grateful.

For most of you, these are just reflective reminders of truths you already know. It is not meant to be exhaustive or comprehensive, just illustrative and perhaps instructive. Thanks for taking a moment and reflecting with me concerning an elusive subject we call leadership.


From I Corinthians 3:9

I. Trying to imitate someone else in leadership is not effective.
Be yourself!

II. Nurture and develop the best gifts/qualities in your life, and do the same in others.
Be a developer not a dictator!

III. People will follow a vision with a strategy.
Be a strategic thinker, not just a visionary!

IV. When dealing with people, follow the principle of good news in print and bad news in person.
Be willing to have face time with others!

V. Conflict, in some form, is always present, and significant conflict is always a possibility.
Be as prepared as you can be!

VI. Change is a constant, but for most churches evolutionary change is better than a revolutionary one.
Be reasonable and realistic about it!

VII. Ministry is not a sprint, but rather it is a marathon.
Be one who can pace himself!

VIII. Remember that our goal in life is to please God, not ourselves or others.
Be faithful!

This article originally appeared [3] at Rick Lance’s blog.