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2 unnamed men in N.H. carry pivotal role in church’s vibrancy

LONDONDERRY, N.H. (BP)—-They are two of the hardest-working men in Christian Fellowship Baptist Church.

“Both of them consistently pray for me as their pastor, for all the leaders of the church,” Mark Ballard, pastor of the Londonderry, N.H., congregation, said.

They pray “for themselves, for the members of our church who come that they’ll love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength, that God will continually revive His people,” Ballard said.

“They also pray that God will bring a spiritual awakening to our region, where we see thousands of people getting saved overnight. They pray for laborers for the harvest.

“In that process, God is using both of them to be laborers. Jesus tells [the disciples] in Matthew 9, ‘Pray for laborers,’ and in Matthew 10 He sends them out.”

One of the two intercessors drops by Ballard’s office every now and then for the specific purpose of praying.


“He’s a security guard, and he is always asking us during prayer meetings [to pray for a particular person],” the pastor said. “Not too long ago, one of the guys that he had us praying about trusted Christ. It was about four or five weeks ago.

“Two Sundays ago, [the unnamed intercessor] came up to me after church and he had tears in his eyes and he said, ‘Pastor, you’re not going to believe what happened this morning.’

“I said, ‘What?’

“And he said, ‘I got a call at 6:30 in the morning from work, and I knew that something had to be wrong. It was one of my guards. He’s a supervisor. It was Brian. Do you remember that we were praying for him that he’d get saved?’

“I said, ‘Yeah.’

“He says, ‘You remember how I told you that he got saved a few weeks ago?’ I said, ‘Yeah.’

“‘He called me at 6:30 this morning to tell that he led a truck driver to the Lord.’”

Bobby Welch, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, who visited the church Sept. 2 as part of his national tour of SBC churches to kick off “The Everyone Can Kingdom Challenge for Evangelism” toward a goal of one million baptisms, said prayer and evangelism are two sides of the same coin.

“That is what we see happening,” Ballard said. “People are praying, seeking God, falling more in love with Him than they’ve ever been, and as they are praying for revivals … praying for laborers, God is using them.”