BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (BP) — A “50 Reasons” promotional campaign launching today (April 22) will unveil unique reasons to attend the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Birmingham.
SBC Executive Committee President-elect Ronnie Floyd is spearheading “50 Reasons to Come to #SBC19” 50 days in advance of the event June 11-12 at the Birmingham Convention Center.
“The most important meeting each year in our Southern Baptist family is our annual convention,” Floyd said. “I hope at least one of these reasons will encourage you to join us.”
Brief daily social media posts will unveil daily encouragements to attend, with the 2019 annual meeting theme “Gospel Above All” highlighted in today’s reason.
“50 days till #SBC19, 50 reasons why you should be there. We’ll give you a new one each day along with @EC_SBC and @Talk_CP,” @SBCLife announced in its first 50 Reasons tweet today. “First things first: The Gospel Above All.”
The annual meeting program will be available this week on, in Baptist Press and in the pre-convention issue of SBC LIFE mailed to subscribers.