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A purpose to ‘games, games, games’

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (BP)–John Thompson brought a kid’s point of view.

Thompson, in his “Games, games, games” and “More games, games, games” breakout sessions, had RecLab attendees juggling foam penguins and cooperating to carry balls between their foreheads.

Thompson, a representative with Sports Supply Group, offered tips with each activity for children’s ministry, including:

— Use cooperative activities, such as partnering to carry a ball between two people’s hips, to encourage athletic children to slow down and help the less-athletic members of the group.

— “The stopwatch is the great equalizer,” Thompson said. Rather than setting a number goal for games that require repetitious movement, set a time limit and encourage individuals or teams to complete as many repetitions as possible during that time.

— Don’t forget the lessons the games can teach. For example, remember to stress that success depends on communication during partner activities.


Thompson also encouraged RecLab attendees to overcome the fear of trying new activities.

“See, juggling isn’t that bad,” he said as tentative attendees tossed brightly colored handkerchiefs in the air. “And it teaches kids perseverance. This really makes your kids think, ‘I can get past this.'”

The annual RecLab, sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources, provided opportunities to learn about various facets of sports and recreation ministry during Jan. 25-29 sessions in San Antonio.
Brooklyn Noel Lowery is a media relations specialist at LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. For more information about RecLab sports and recreation ministry conferences, visit LifeWay.com/RecLab.