News Articles

Baptists in the Dakotas retire office building debt

FARGO, N.D. (BP)–A note-burning to mark the debt retirement for the offices of the Dakota Southern Baptist Fellowship in Bismarck, N.D., was among the highlights of the fellowship’s Oct. 17-18 annual meeting in Fargo.

The convention’s officers were elected without opposition: president, Tony Stottlemyre, pastor of Crossroads Community Church, Sioux Falls, S.D., and immediate past chairman of the fellowship’s executive board; vice president, Budg Reikeman, pastor of First Baptist Church, Williston, N.D.; and recording secretary, Joe Dan Roberts, pastor of First Baptist Church, Langdon, N.D.

The fellowship’s partnership with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention was highlighted in a message by Emil Turner, executive director of the Arkansas convention.

Eduardo DeCampo, strategy coordinator/West for the North American Mission Board, led Bible studies during each fellowship session.

The 135 messengers in attendance approved a 2002 budget of $1,150,326, roughly the same as the current budget. An anticipated $24,480 in Cooperative Program giving from the 96 churches and missions in the Dakotas will continue to be divided at 86 percent for missions and ministry in the Dakotas and 14 percent to Southern Baptist national and international causes.

“One More for Jesus” was the convention theme.

Don Mabry is the fellowship’s executive director at interim, replacing W.D. “Doc” Lindsey, who retired earlier this year.

Next year’s annual meeting will be Oct. 23-24 in Sioux Falls.

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