NASHVILLE (BP) – This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, Lifeway publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.
This week’s Bible study is adapted from The Gospel Project curriculum.
Bible Passage: Genesis 2
Discussion Questions:
- What are some ways God’s people should honor God for the good gift of gender as male and female?
- What are some ways your life should change if you believe in the Bible’s account of the creation of humanity?
- How will you reflect God’s image in your work and relationships with others this week?
Food for Thought:
Good foundations lay the groundwork of stability for whatever may be built upon them. Good theology and the Gospel have their foundation in Genesis. For in the beginning, God created everything including humanity. He created man out of dust, but breathed life into his nostril. In doing so, He revealed man’s frailty as made from dust, but humanity’s value and purpose as made in God’s image.
We are humbled and submit before our Creator. We know we are loved and have purpose, being stewards of God’s creation. God established a special bond between us and Him because of His love and authority as God. Our understanding of God and humanity can be found in this first book of the Bible.
But also in the beginning, man was found to be alone and that was not good. As the triune God is in relationship, so was humanity made for relationship. We have unique roles and purpose, yet with the same value and honor. God made woman to help the man as they are both called to be stewards of God’s creation.
The marriage union of a man and wife is a picture of Christ’s union with His bride, the church. They were created to multiply and flourish in the good world that God created.
God created human beings, then, in His image to reflect His character in the world. We do this through our relationships and our work. God Himself set the precedent for both, being the triune God in perfect unity who did good works throughout the days of creation.
God’s desire is to redeem and restore us into relationship with Him as He initially intended it to be, in perfect love and perfect fulfillment, for His glory and our good.
The Gospel Project
The Gospel Project is a chronological, Christ-centered study for kids, students and adults. The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. More information can be found at