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Bible Study: Jan. 10, 2016

NASHVILLE (BP) — This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, LifeWay publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from the Bible Studies For Life curriculum.

Bible Passages: 1 Corinthians 12:12-16, 21-22; 1 Peter 4:9-11

Food for thought:

“It’s the thought that counts.” That’s what our parents taught us when we received a gift that was ugly or “unique.” The giver may have meant well, but you knew never in a million years would you use it, wear it, or display it.

We’ve all been guilty of giving those kinds of gifts. It typically happens in situations where social convention requires us to give a gift, but we just don’t know what to buy. So, we search the aisles until we finally find something decent — and then hope for the best.


God gives gifts too, but He knows exactly what you need. You may not know it at the time, but the gifts He gives — what we refer to as spiritual gifts — are perfect for you. You might wonder at first how you’ll use those gifts. But as we’ll see in this session, God has a plan for both you and your gifts.

And He expects you to use them.

As you read and study 1 Corinthians 12:12-16, discuss this question: How do these verses help you understand your place within the church?

Bible Studies For Life

Bible Studies for Life is a life-stage focused family of resources that addresses key issues in the lives of adults and students. Consisting of seven curriculum lines developed for various life and generational stages plus two others designed for deeper study, all of these resources focus on the same Bible passage for each week. Information about the seven curriculum lines and more information can be found on the Internet at LifeWay.com/BibleStudiesforLife [2].

Other ongoing Bible study options for all ages offered by LifeWay can be found at LifeWay.com/SundaySchool [3].