News Articles

Bible Study: May 27, 2018

NASHVILLE (BP) — This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, LifeWay publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from the YOU curriculum.

Bible Passages: Psalm 32:1-7, 11

Discussion Questions:
— What does forgiveness feel like?

— In what ways have you felt the physical effects of unconfessed sin and unforgiveness?

Food for Thought:

No one escapes sin! It doesn’t matter whether you’re a “good person.” We must be ready to stare sin in the face and not allow it to grab hold of us. We have to be able to tell the truth about ourselves and change behaviors that lead us in the wrong direction. God is ready and willing to take away our sin and guilt.

There is joy in forgiveness, and the psalmist David made sure to start Psalm 32 by making that clear. We carry a heavy burden when dealing with sin and unforgiveness. The Bible tells us that all have sinned and fall short, so while David may have sinned less, he was not sinless. All sin matters and separates us from a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father.

In Psalm 32, David reminds us of the exceeding joy we experience when the Lord doesn’t charge us with our sins nor hold our sins against us. In fact, God sets us free to embrace life in all its fullness as we experience the joy of His forgiveness.

What does forgiveness feel like?

It’s the greatest feeling ever when we come to God in true repentance and ask for forgiveness from guilt and shame. There is no greater feeling than knowing we are in right relationship with God!

Desmond Tutu, an anti-apartheid and human rights activist declared, “There is no future without forgiveness.” We, like David, can be forgiven and move into the joyful future God has planned for us by confessing our sins and asking for His forgiveness. Admittedly, that’s often the hardest thing for us to do, but it’s necessary in order for us to move forward in our Christian walk. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Believers today should celebrate God’s forgiveness. After all, Jesus died to free us from all our sin –– past, present, and future.

Intentionally focused on urban and multicultural believers, YOU is biblically based with culturally relevant and affirming lessons to help people connect, grow, serve, and ultimately be engaged in impacting the world for Christ. This flexible, non-dated all-in-one quarterly resource offers weekly Bible study for leaders and learners, devotionals, and teaching plans, as well as articles on hot topics and missions. For additional online downloadable teaching resources, visit

Other ongoing Bible study options offered by LifeWay for all ages can be found at or ordered at LifeWay Christian Stores.

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  • Staff/Lifeway Christian Resources