News Articles

Bible Study: Sept. 1, 2019

NASHVILLE (BP) — This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, LifeWay publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from the Bible Studies For Life curriculum.

Bible Passage: Matthew 6:25-34

Discussion Questions:
— What was the silliest thing you worried about when you were younger?
— What are some simple things in life that you’ve really come to appreciate?
— What are some jobs that require an incredible amount of focus?

Food for Thought:

Forbes magazine recently published an article titled, “What Your Child Actually, Really, Truly Needs To Go Back To School.” The article addresses the back-to-school shopping rush as parents attempt to anticipate and prepare for everything their children might need. Even with a supply list, there can be anxiety: Did we get the right kind of folders? Does he need a better calculator? What brand of crayons should I buy?

The article in Forbes answers this anxiety with a simple list, “Something to write with. Something to write on. Something to put stuff in.” The author, a former high school teacher, adds, “There is, however, one other thing that students absolutely need in order to be ready to go back to school. Supportive adults.”

In this session, we will study Jesus’ approach to anxiety. We will see that we don’t have to worry about anticipating our needs or the needs of others. We don’t have to be anxious wondering if we have prepared enough or planned enough. Just as a student’s relationship with supportive adults is the thing they “actually, really, truly need,” the thing that we absolutely need in our lives is also a relationship — our relationship with Christ. When your life is centered in Christ, you find all you need.

God loves us and is very serious about His covenant with us. He knows what we need and why we need it — and that includes our need for a Sabbath rest.

Bible Studies for Life
Bible Studies for Life connects the Bible to life for adults, students and kids. Bible Studies for Life helps individuals and groups know God’s Word through trustworthy content, creates biblical community through engaging and conversational group studies, and helps people engage the culture missionally by unpacking what the Bible says about real-life issues. More information can be found on the Internet at

Other ongoing Bible study options for all ages offered by LifeWay can be found at or ordered at LifeWay Christian Stores.

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  • Staff/Lifeway Christian Resources