News Articles

BOATWRIGHT: Not watching the news?

KANSAS CITY, Kan. (BP) — “I don’t watch the news, it’s too depressing.” I’ve heard people say that. Good people, smart people and, sadly, too many people.

It’s an understandable sentiment. Our world is a very dark place, filled with misery, anger and chaos. That said, here’s why it’s important for us to be vigilant concerning current affairs.

Every conquering empire, from Greece to Egypt to Rome to England, began a steady decline once decadence and hedonism overpowered their strengths. Will the U.S. — the world’s present greatest nation — fare the same? Daily news indicates we might.

Along with seeing history repeating itself, those watching the nightly news can find evidence that what is warned about in the Gospels and Revelation is indeed coming to pass.

The first step taken by any general before battle is the gathering of information for strategic decisions. Same goes for us. Awareness of the philosophies of world leaders and the divisiveness of local anarchists helps us combat a secular worldview, and reminds us to pray for our lost world.

World leaders, politicians, captains of industry, educators — these are the folks who should be looking out for us so we have the opportunity to maintain our religious freedom and continue our quest for the American dream. But sometimes they aren’t doing their job effectively. How do we take them to task if we’re not paying attention? How do we fight the problem if we don’t know there is a problem?

Like pizza, news must be consumed in moderation. We must be temperate lest we become news-a-holics, allowing gloom and doom to override hope and assurance. But headlines that suggest the ever-gothic transformation of our land should not be ignored.

Of course, where you’re getting news requires discernment.

Differing TV news formats appeal to the appetites of particular audiences. Our country’s political polarization, for example, is well represented by MSNBC versus FOX News, two networks that reveal how news can be flavored. Wherever we choose to get our news, we should ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

To recognize misconceptions and misdirections, whether from our leaders or the news media, we must be grounded in scriptural instruction — in what may possibly be the last days before the Lord’s return. Along with teaching from thoughtful theologians who also study the social and political landscape, we gain foresight by personally reflecting on God’s Word. The Bible is a guidepost for living a lifestyle that keeps us in harmony with our heavenly Father and our fellow man. It also helps give us an insight needed when taking in the news.

“Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near [Christ’s return], right at the door” (Mark 13:29).

    About the Author

  • Phil Boatwright