News Articles

Calif. pastor David Jeremiah to join BP monthly lineup

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–David Jeremiah, senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, Calif., who has been featured on the “Turning Point” radio and television ministry since its launch in 1982, joins the lineup of Baptist Press columnists today, Dec. 17.

Jeremiah’s column will appear on the third Friday of every month, joining a BP monthly lineup that includes Henry Blackaby, Rick Warren and Howard Dayton of Crown Financial Ministries.

“Over the years I have been blessed in many ways by Dr. Jeremiah through Turning Point,” said Will Hall, Baptist Press’ executive editor and vice president for news services with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee. “It is an honor to publish his column in Baptist Press and to offer others the opportunity to be blessed by his ministry.”

Jeremiah is chancellor of Christian Heritage College and the author of 20 books, including “Escape the Coming Night,” “What the Bible Says About Angels,” “Prayer — The Great Adventure,” “God in You,” “Gifts from God,” “Jesus’ Final Warning,” “When Your World Falls Apart,” “Slaying the Giants in Your Life,” “My Heart’s Desire,” “Sanctuary,” “The Things That Matter,” “Life Wide Open,” “The Prayer Matrix” and “Searching for Heaven on Earth.”

Jeremiah has been pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church since 1981. Previously he led Blackhawk Baptist Church in Fort Wayne, Ind., from 1969-81.

He currently is a a member of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s board of trustees.

A native of Toledo, Ohio, he is a graduate of Cedarville (Ohio) College and Dallas Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Donna, have four children.

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