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CORRECTION: In the BP report, “‘Global Women’ come out swinging against SBC, Woman’s Missionary Union,” the speaker quoted in the report, Catherine Allen, is incorrectly identified as the coordinator of the Global Women group and as an ordained minister. Mrs. Allen is the treasurer of Global Women. She is not an ordained minister.

Substitute the following paragraph for paragraph 2 in the original story:

Texas Mainstream leader Phil Lineberger introduced Global Women treasurer Catherine Allen who wasted little time in turning her attention to the conservative leadership of the SBC.

Also, substitute the following paragraph for paragraph 17:

The Global Women presentation was part of a larger emphasis on women in ministry at the Mainstream meeting. Almost every speaker criticized the SBC for the Baptist Faith and Message articulation that men and women have distinct roles in the church and home. In addition to Allen, two female ordained ministers spoke to the gathering, arguing for their right to serve as pastors. Additionally, the Baptist Women in Ministry organization had a booth at the meeting, which included literature advocating women as pastors and deacons and defending BWIM’s controversial worship of “Mother God” at the 2001 General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship.

In paragraph 14, the name of Mrs. Allen’s granddaughter is incorrectly spelled Layne. The correct spelling is Lane.


Baptist Press regrets the errors noted above.