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Course on feminist theology to be taught by Mary Kassian

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)–Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary will offer a course on feminist theology this summer as part of its new women’s study curriculum.

The course, which will be taught by Mary Kassian, well-known Canadian author, speaker and teacher, will present an overview of the history and philosophy of the feminist movement and discuss biblical responses to the impact of the movement on American culture, academia and churches.

“In order to combat the slippery slope created by the feminist movement, we must understand the arguments and perspectives presented by its supporters,” said Terri Stovall, assistant professor of adult education at Southwestern’s Fort Worth, Texas, campus. The feminist movement incorrectly advocates the feminism of God and holds to a unique interpretation of Scripture for women, Stovall said.

“Feminism has attacked our understanding of biblical manhood and womanhood,” Kassian said. “The struggle between men and women has intensified. Marriages, divorce rates, children, educational philosophy and sexuality have all been impacted by feminism. The foundational question of who am I as a woman or man has experienced a paradigm shift as a result of the feminist movement.”

The class on feminist theology is the first of many women’s study courses that will be offered through the seminary’s newly revised master of divinity program, Stovall said.

Seminary trustees recently restructured the master of divinity program to offer several concentrations within the degree, including the concentration in women’s studies. In addition to the course on feminist theology, the women’s studies concentration will offer courses on the biblical theology of womanhood, biblical interpretation for women, and women in missions. The women’s studies concentration in the school of theology, however, remains separate from the women’s ministry degree in the school of educational ministries.


The course on feminist theology runs May 31–June 4. Stovall said the unique opportunity for students to benefit from the in-depth research, study and training of Kassian is drawing students from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky and other colleges and seminaries for the class. Students interested in enrolling in the three-credit-hour summer course may contact the registrar’s office at Southwestern at (817) 923-1921 ext. 3040.

“Offering this course echoes the fact that we at Southwestern are serious about training women to know what they are talking about and preparing them to serve God as He calls,” Stovall said. “We need theologically sound women in ministry.”
See feature on Mary Kassian in BP’s Recent News list.