ALPHARETTA, Ga. (BP)–Coordinators of YouthLink 2000, a multi-city celebration for students on the eve of the millennium, are encouraging churches to register their students ages 13-22 early because space is limited.
Scheduled for Dec. 29-31, 1999, YouthLink 2000 will be held in seven cities: Anaheim, Calif.; Atlanta; Denver; Houston; Philadelphia; St. Louis; and Tampa, Fla. Using domed stadiums and convention centers, YouthLink 2000 will accommodate 200,000 students. Registration is at more than 13,500 as of mid-May 1998.
“Venue choice and priority seating are on a first-come, first-served basis,” said Doyle Pennington, project coordinator for the event. “When venues fill up, we will close registration.”
To encourage early registration, YouthLink 2000 coordinators are asking for a non-refundable deposit of $10 per person up to Dec. 31, 1998, with the balance of $50 due Jan. 31, 1999. For those who took advantage of last year’s partial registration special of $5, the deadline for payment of the $55 balance also has been extended to Jan. 31, 1999.
YouthLink 2000 is sponsored by the Baptist Sunday School Board, International Mission Board, North American Mission Board and the Woman’s Missionary Union. For a registration form, download a registration form from their Internet website at www.youthlink2000.org or call 1-888-YOUTHLK.