Meeting needs and supporting families are some of the most rewarding parts of missionary kid education, according to Doreen, the IMB’s director of education for MKs (also called TCKs or third culture kids). The goal of education is supporting IMB families so they can thrive as a family and in the ministry God has called them to, Doreen said.
Doreen was a special education teacher for seven and a half years before serving with her husband, Jon, in Asia for 27 years. Before their retirement, Doreen was a regional MK consultant.
In her current role, she is responsible for the global team of education consultants who facilitate educational needs for IMB families, whether it’s finding the best homeschool curriculum to fit a child’s specific needs or vetting national or Christian schools. Consultants walk alongside families whose children need additional help with educational testing, special needs and any other educational needs.
Doreen’s team also provides care for young adult MKs, through events like Thanksgiving retreats and an app to promote communication. Her team works preemptively with families to meet their children’s needs.
“We are working on earlier intervention and trying to get the services families need to help address needs early on,” she said.
Much of the work is educating families to look for educational or developmental challenges in their children. For families with students who have learning needs, the consultants collaborate with the family to create a support plan with appropriate strategies. The consultant meets with the family periodically to monitor progress and assist as needed. For families who have special needs, the team creates an individual education plan and collaborates with the family to select strategies. They meet with parents for periodic assessments.
“A lot of what we do as consultants is listen to the parents. We’re there to listen to what they’re going through and provide encouragement,” Doreen said. She meets with some parents almost monthly to hear how things are going with their children and provide a listening ear.
“I think families have felt really supported by our company and by the consultants working with them,” she said.
She recalls a recent phone call with a family. She listened, explained what she understood the issues to be, and assured them she would get back to them by the end of the week with a plan of action.
The mother was overwhelmed and thankful for the clear explanation, quick response and follow-up plan.
“Things like that are certainly rewarding. We don’t do it for the pats on the back or anything but knowing that you’ve given somebody some peace of mind, and that you’re on their side, and you’re helping them is really a tremendous benefit. That’s what it’s all about. We want to be able to serve families.”
IMB missionaries and their families are supported through giving to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.