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Falwell upgraded to fair; doctors encouraged by recovery

LYNCHBURG, Va. (BP)–Jerry Falwell’s condition was upgraded to fair condition April 1 and his health continued to improve as he walked the hallways of the hospital for exercise, hospital officials said in a statement.

A statement released by Lynchburg General Hospital in Virginia said doctors “are encouraged by the pace of [Falwell’s] recovery.”

An aid to Falwell, Ron Godwin, told the Associated Press April 4 that Falwell will remain in the hospital so that more tests can be run.

“He’s well enough to go home right now, but until the doctors finish running all their tests, he’ll stay in the hospital,” Godwin told the AP.

Falwell could be released by the middle of the week, Godwin said.

Falwell, 71, was admitted to Lynchburg General Hospital late March 28 after having difficulty breathing. He initially was listed in critical condition but was upgraded to serious but stable condition before being listed in fair condition.


Hospital officials say that swelling and fluid in his lungs caused his problem. They found no evidence of a heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital because of “respiratory arrest,” officials said.

Falwell also was in the hospital for nearly two weeks in late February and early March because of pneumonia. Doctors said Falwell’s latest condition seems to be unrelated to the earlier bout with pneumonia.

Falwell serves as pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist church in Lynchburg, and as chancellor of Liberty University.