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FIRST-PERSON: A stunning admission about polygamy

ALEXANDRIA, La. (BP)–“I am bi-sexual and I practice polyamory” [group marriage],” the man told me. “I am your worst nightmare.”

I thought for a moment. “No sir,” I said. “You are not my worst nightmare; you are my best illustration against the redefinition of marriage.”

The context for the exchange cited above was a debate a few years ago on the issue of “homosexual marriage.” It was one of the few times that I have heard a homosexual activist admit publicly that the acceptance of “gay marriage” would legitimize the argument for marriages involving more than two people.

“All you need is love,” has been the mantra of those seeking to make “gay marriage” a normal part of American society. Like an irritating broken record, the question they repeatedly ask is: “How can you deny two people in love the right to be married?”

If homosexual activists are ever successful in swaying the American people, or a federal judge, that their twisted view of marriage is acceptable, it will be only a matter of time before polygamy and polyamory move to center stage of the marriage debate.

If the sole basis for marriage is love and love alone, you cannot logically deny any number of people who claim they are in love from “marrying.” Homosexual activists know this better than anyone.


While activists have been very successful in removing the moral stigma American society once attached to homosexuality, they understand that the vast majority of their fellow citizens are not ready to receive an invitation announcing the nuptials of Bob, Larry, John, Mary and Jane.

Perception is everything when attempting to change public opinion. In order to present “gay marriage” as a normal expression of the human condition, homosexual activists have kept their polyamory practicing brothers and sisters in the closet. However, the advocates of polyamory have started knocking.

“Polygamy and gay men: Dirty laundry or sexual freedom?” was the headline prominently displayed on the cover of the June 6 edition of “The Advocate,” a national homosexual magazine.

The headline promoted a feature article titled “Big Gay Love.” The article calls attention to the reality that polyamorous relationships have long existed among homosexual men and seeks to answer just how those with multiple partner relationships fit into the “gay marriage” debate.

“We’re as married as we could be,” Chaz Weathers told The Advocate, describing his relationship with partners Dale Dubach and John Osgood. “We have rings and have a day we celebrate our anniversary.”

Another relationship configuration described in the feature included three men and one woman. Still another involved a trio of men that “sometimes bring in an outsider just for fun.”

The point of The Advocate piece is crystal clear; polyamory is an accepted practice in the homosexual community. If “gay marriage” ever becomes the law in America, polyamory and polygamy will be the next issue homosexual activists will promote.

Of course, anyone who speaks out against the push to normalize polyamory and/or polygamy will be labeled a bigot. “How dare you deny three people, four people, etc., who are in love the right to marry?” we will be told. “Who defines what is normal when it comes to relationships?” they will ask.

If the current state of our elected leadership does not change, few will rise to offer credible persuasive arguments against those who would de-construct and destroy marriage as we have always known it. Too many politicians, fearing the label bigot, will simply go along in order to get along.

Unless there is a great moral revolution in America, the bi-sexual polyamorous man I debated a few years back will indeed become, in his words, our nation’s “worst nightmare.”
Boggs is editor of the Baptist Message newspaper in Louisiana.