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FIRST-PERSON: An open letter to Bill O’Reilly


McMINNVILLE, Ore. (BP)–Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

You and I have quite a few things in common.

Like you, I am a passionate patriot and desire for the United States to continue as a great nation. I agree with you that people must be held accountable for their actions and that America must get tougher on crime. I share your opinion that our military must remain the most powerful in the world. I also applaud your selection of Bill Clinton as the politician you least respect.

I am sure it won’t come as a surprise to you, Bill — may I call you Bill? — that there are a few subjects where we don’t see eye to eye. After all, someone once said that if two people agreed all the time one of them would be unnecessary. Where we part company is on the subjects of homosexuality and the Bible.

In your book “The No Spin Zone” you describe “your zone” thusly: “It’s a nightmare place for charlatans and deceivers. But it’s a great place for you and everybody else who believes in truth, common sense, and decency.” Bill, when it comes to the subjects of homosexuality and Scripture you spin like a pinwheel in a hurricane.

On a recent television program, you hosted Stephen Bennett — a spokesman for Concerned Women of America and former homosexual. During the course of the “interview” in which you defended your acceptance of homosexual adoption, you said, “I have a big problem with the Old Testament.” You went on to dismiss the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as an allegory (By the way, allegories do make points, so in your view, what particular truth is conveyed in this story?) and you asserted that only the Gospels should be considered the Word of God.


Later in the interview you called Mr. Bennett a fanatic because he believes the Bible teaches homosexuality is a sin. In the September issue of the gay magazine “The Advocate,” you advise homosexual activists to stop trying to force people to accept them. Your reason, “You’re not going to convince Holy Rollers that you’re not an abomination, because they’re going to quote the Old Testament.” In the same interview you also share your belief that “90% of Americans don’t care what you [gays] do” and that “10% are fanatics [i.e. believe homosexuality is a sin].”

Bill, in your reading of Scripture you not only ignore the context of the portions you choose to reject, but you also fail to realize that the Old Testament is to be viewed through the lens of the New Testament. Jesus said that his death and resurrection would establish a new covenant. It is through this new covenant of grace that we make application of the Old Testament. Jesus altered forever the way society is to deal with sin; however, that does not mean that aberrant behavior is any less destructive to the individual or the community.

You also seem to believe the only opposition anyone can muster concerning homosexuality is religious. Bill, I have been debating this issue for some time and I never use the Bible. I don’t need to. Biology 101 provides sufficient evidence that homosexuality is unnatural as well as unhealthy.

Quite simply, homosexual practices are anatomically incorrect. The body is just not designed to do what gays do with it. The result is a myriad of diseases that are unique to the homosexual community — AIDS being the most familiar, but not the most prolific — the deterioration of certain bodily functions, as well as a lowered life expectancy. Time and space will not permit, but studies indicate that homosexual marriage — which you insinuate in “The Advocate” you really have no problem with — does not alter any of the above.

Many people are opposed to any legislation that would sanction homosexuality as normal, not because of religious fanaticism, but because it is foolish to endorse and promote a lifestyle that is so patently destructive.

Bill, while we share a lot in common, we are miles apart in the way we view homosexuality and God’s Word. I not only think you spin in these areas, I think you spin decidedly, and dangerously, to the left.

Spinning the opposite direction,

P.S. I think your estimate that only 10% of us are fanatics might be a little low.