GRAPEVINE, Texas (BP) — If you’re like me, it’s rare to go through a single day without seeing a plea on a friend’s social media for the latest multilevel marketing health and fitness product. There is no shortage of products for people desperately desiring to make a major change in their lives.
A few years ago, my wife and I decided to join the next big health product weight-loss shakes company. I can tell you this, they were the best protein shakes I have ever tasted, especially if you added ice cream.
We knew we would need to utilize every opportunity in person and through social media to share of our newfound love. We began to influence people to join our cause. It didn’t take long for us to meet our first goal — get enough people on board to receive our product for free.
We were well on our way to influencing people, becoming healthier and having some financial freedom. But that all came to a quick halt because we realized we were spending more time talking to people and posting on social media about these shakes and their benefits than we were talking to people about Jesus.
It is so easy to get so consumed with desire, passion and a good thing that we let it overtake the main thing in our lives. We made the decision to make Jesus the subject of our passion in person and online.
I know a lot of great people who work for these companies, are passionate about the products and weave their faith into their business, and I am so grateful for that. However, what if we worked that hard to make Jesus known and have the Gospel shared?
We must remember that as Christians we are not called to build up to the next level of gold, ruby or platinum, but instead we are to lay our crowns down at the feet of Jesus. I believe that if we were as diligent for the Gospel to advance as these companies are, we could see a fresh movement of God sweep our nation and the world.
As Christ-followers, allow us to learn four concepts from these companies about how they get their message out, and let us apply them to our own lives:
1. They believe in their product.
Those who invest their lives and money into these companies believe in their product. They are not just heralds but also practitioners. They do whatever it takes to get the product out because the product has made a difference in their own lives.
As Christians, we have the best thing to believe in that man has ever known. The Gospel of Christ transforms us from the inside out. Let others know how much you believe in what Jesus has done for you!
2. They are not ashamed of the product.
The salespeople are not afraid to tell you about their product. They are proud that they work for these companies and the products that they use.
I wonder if that could be said of Christians today. Often our faith is the last thing we want to talk about. The reason these companies grow so rapidly is because the representatives are unashamed in their sharing. This reminds us of the method of the early church we see in the book of Acts — they were unashamed and active in preaching Jesus.
3. They are not easily discouraged.
If you have ever told a proponent of these products that you aren’t inclined to join in their journey, you will realize that they do not go away defeated. They believe that if they keep modeling what the products can do and keep asking that eventually you will want to join them.
This is a contrast to many evangelicals today. Many who try to share their faith and are rejected walk away feeling defeated and reluctant to try again. What if we continued to model what Christ has done in us and were steadfast to share the Good News of the Gospel?
4. They desire to involve their family, friends and neighbors.
These entrepreneurs desire for those closest to them to experience the benefits of the product and participate in their venture. If you are somehow connected to a follower of one of these products, it’s only a matter of time before you know all about it.
I can only imagine how transformative the Gospel would be if believers would be as passionate for their family, friends and neighbors to hear the Gospel as these folks are about their products.
I love seeing before and after pictures of people on their health journeys. However, more than that, I love to see people’s lives change through the Gospel. These products and companies are great; however, they are just for a temporary body that will soon wither and fade away.
Our passion to advance the Gospel will have eternal ramifications that will outlive and outlast every one of us.