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FIRST-PERSON: Joseph of Nazareth meets Planned Parenthood

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)–It just might be the most chilling Christmas card ever sent through the U.S. mail. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s leading provider of abortions, has unveiled a holiday greeting — complete with sentimental snowflakes and stars — with the caption “Choice on Earth.”

Evangelicals and Roman Catholics are rightly outraged by this atrocity. In terms of in-your-face religious hostility, it can only be compared to a Hanukah card featuring a Menorah twisted into a swastika. Even so, this “card” should motivate Christians to pay closer attention this year to a neglected figure in the incarnation narratives — an obscure carpenter named Joseph. Could it be that Joseph of Nazareth can show 21st-century Christians how to celebrate Christmas in a culture of death?

For too long, evangelicals have concentrated on what we do not believe about Joseph. We rightly insist that he was not the birth-father of Jesus. Mary, a virgin, conceived the Messiah through the power of the Holy Spirit, with no biological contribution from a man (Luke 1:34-35). And yet, there is so much more that Scripture has to say about Joseph. In his adoption of Jesus, Joseph is rightly identified as Jesus’ father (Luke 2:41,48). Indeed, Matthew and Luke trace Jesus’ roots in Abraham and David through the line of Joseph. It is through Joseph that Jesus is a legal heir to the covenant promises of the Old Testament. It is through Joseph’s legal fatherhood of Jesus that the “hopes and fears of all the years” find their realization in the final son of Abraham, son of David and son of Israel. Jesus did not share Joseph’s DNA, but he claimed him as his father, obeying Joseph perfectly and even following in his vocation. Joseph, after all, was perhaps the first to hear the word “Abba” in the babbling of the Nazarene infant.

With full legal rights to abandon Mary and her unborn child — perhaps to a fate worse than death — Joseph obeyed the Father in becoming a father. When Herod — the Roman Empire’s precursor to “Planned Parenthood” — sought the destruction of the infants, Joseph shielded this child from the murderous rage of infanticide (Matthew 2:13-18). In his obedience, Joseph demonstrated what his other son would later call “pure and undefiled” religion, the kind that cares for the fatherless and the abandoned (James 1:27).

It is here that Joseph is perhaps a model for a new generation of Christians. In a culture captivated by the spirit of Herod, could it be that God is calling our churches to follow the example of Joseph? This might mean a battalion of new church-sponsored crisis pregnancy centers, able and equipped to provide an alternative for confused young women who might otherwise listen to the slick but deadly propaganda of the Planned Parenthood profiteers. It may mean pastors prophetically calling on Christians to oppose the abortion culture by actually rescuing babies through adoption. It will mean Christian parents willing to open their hearts and their homes to unwanted infants — infants that Planned Parenthood would like to see carried out with the medical waste. It might mean that, next year, there will be one more stocking at the chimney at your house — a new son or daughter who escapes the abortionist’s knife to find at your knee the grace of a carpenter’s Son.

Planned Parenthood thinks “Choice on Earth” is the message of Christmas. Maybe it is in a Christmas culture more identified with the shopping malls than with the churches. But maybe this year Christians should follow the footsteps of the “other” man at the manger. And maybe this year, as we gather to read the angel’s proclamation to the shepherds, we can remind a miserable generation that there is something more joyous than “choice.”
Moore is assistant professor of Christian theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. He also serves as executive director of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement.
