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FIRST-PERSON: Roadside assistance


COUNTRY CLUB HILLS, Ill. (BP) — Every day is an opportunity to introduce someone to Jesus Christ, because every day God allows us to be ambassadors of His Kingdom.

In Acts 8, Philip was such an ambassador. When led by the Holy Spirit to travel a road in what must have seemed an illogical journey, he immediately obeyed. Because of his obedience, he was in the right place at the right time to tell someone about Jesus.

The Holy Spirit led Philip to a high-ranking Ethiopian official who had been in Jerusalem to worship but left still searching for the living God. Despite the official’s power and prestige, he had a vast emptiness in his soul.

This Ethiopian man is like many of our friends, family and coworkers today. They may be socially successful and culturally religious. Sometimes they even read the Scriptures and seek the truth, yet they do not have saving faith in Jesus Christ. And each of them needs someone to show them the way.

On the journey of life, they need roadside assistance.

They need a Philip to obey the Holy Spirit’s leading and come alongside them on the road of life to have a Gospel conversation. They need someone who will help them understand the Scriptures, and they need someone who will tell them the bad news about their sin and the good news about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And when they believe, they need someone to baptize them and then disciple them so they can go out and make other disciples.


Will you be like Philip and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading? Will you share the Gospel with one person and pray for them to be saved? On the road of life, we all need roadside assistance.

Father God, we were lost and You found us; we were broken and You healed us; we were dying and You rescued us. Help us to follow in Your footsteps and look for daily opportunities to share the Gospel with those in need.