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GA helped set her mind on eternal things

DENVER (BP) — Lorna Bius, a LoveLoud missionary with the North American Mission Board, credits her involvement in GA as a young girl for her mindset and values.

“GA helped set my value system on eternal things,” Bius said. “I realized that loving and serving Christ is the most important thing in life. God put this firmly in my mind during those developmental years. GA helped me understand my life is to be about God’s mission.”

Not only did GA help Bius understand eternal things, it also helped her see the world differently than she did before.

“GA helps young girls see the world God loves,” Bius said. “It provides a sense of calling and helps girls understand practical ways they can share Christ and be on mission, even at a young age.”

Bias said one of her GA counselors at the Lake Yale GA camp in Leesburg, Fla., had the greatest influence on her while she was a GA.

“Ms. Karen was encouraging to me and lived a Christ-like life in front of me and the other girls,” Bius recounted. “The last night of camp, she sang ‘I Am Willing, Lord.’ That song became a catalyst in my heart; often reminding me through my young years and even today that the Lord is worthy of my willing obedience, no matter what.

“The greatest lesson I learned in GA is that God’s Kingdom is real,” Bius said. “He is on the move, and He will win. I can help reach the world He loves as I listen for Him each day and share His love with others.”

From 2005 to 2012, Bius served as executive director of Nevada WMU.

“Serving as a WMU executive director in Nevada had many joys, but many challenges as well,” Bius said. “WMU as a whole is a foreign concept in the West. The West was built on the mindset of leaving everything traditional back east.”

Since March, Bius has been continuing her missions work as the first NAMB LoveLoud missionary in Denver.

“Having worked with Lorna on the national WMU board since 2005, we feel a special kinship with her in this new role,” said Wanda S. Lee, executive director of national WMU. “Lorna grew up in Florida and Georgia, praying for missionaries and developing her missions awareness as a member of Girls in Action. She brings a wealth of understanding about WMU and the importance of missions education in the church to this role.”

LoveLoud is a NAMB-sponsored movement of churches demonstrating God’s love by meeting significant human needs while sharing Christ with neglected neighbors, communities and children.

“I am excited to see how LoveLoud will be able to strengthen the work of church planting and church revitalization,” Bius said. “I look forward to building a strong network in the West. I am encouraged to see the willingness of SBC partners to work together in multiplying existing ministries as well as beginning new ones.”
Laura Wilson is a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and was an intern at national WMU. To watch videos about Lorna Bius’ ministry, visit https://www.namb.net/namb1cb2col.aspx?id=8590124469 and https://www.namb.net/namb1cb2col.aspx?id=8590122827. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter (@BaptistPress), Facebook (Facebook.com/BaptistPress) and in your email (baptistpress.com/SubscribeBP.asp).

    About the Author

  • Laura Wilson