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IMB presidential nominations accepted through May 15

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) — The International Mission Board’s Presidential Search Committee announced today (April 12) it is accepting nominations for the Southern Baptist entity’s next president.

The committee, chaired by Chuck Pourciau, senior pastor of Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport, La., said in a statement they will accept nominations through May 15 by email at [email protected].

“The International Mission Board Presidential Search Committee has benefited greatly from your prayers and input during the early stage of this process,” the statement said. “We continue to desire your help as we seek the person God has chosen to be the next leader of the IMB.

“… We covet your prayers until this task is done.”

On Feb. 12, David Platt announced plans to transition out of his role as IMB president. He noted he will continue to serve until a new president is selected. See related Baptist Press report.

Trustee chairman Rick Dunbar named a 16-person committee to find Platt’s replacement during the trustees’ Feb. 28-March 1 meeting in the Richmond, Va., area. Read full list of committee members in this Baptist Press report.

Also, see full statement from the search committee below:

The International Mission Board Presidential Search Committee has benefited greatly from your prayers and input during the early stage of this process. We continue to desire your help as we seek the person God has chosen to be the next leader of the IMB.

Currently, we are in the process of receiving nominations and will continue to accept nominations for the position through May 15, 2018. If God leads you to submit a nomination to the committee, please do so by emailing us at [email protected].

We covet your prayers until this task is done.


The IMB Presidential Search Committee

    About the Author

  • Shawn Hendricks