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LaRue, Phat Chance to perform on live FamilyNet broadcast

FORT WORTH, Texas (BP)–The popular brother-sister duo LaRue along with Christian artists Joy Williams and Phat Chance will headline FamilyNet Television’s live broadcast of Seize the Net Goes Live!

Sponsored by True Love Waits, a movement that promotes sexual purity among teens, Seize the Net Goes Live! joins together student rallies across the country in an annual time of commitment to abstinence before marriage.

The show will be broadcast live on Feb. 13 from the sanctuary of Wedgwood Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas.

“We are thrilled to be working with True Love Waits,” said FamilyNet Vice President of Programming Martin Coleman. “I have been privileged to know Richard Ross, who has long been a pivotal player in True Love Waits, and I am certain from his accounts that this movement is God-inspired. For nearly a decade now it has left a legacy of strong marriages because of students’ commitments to find God’s one true love for their lives.”

The one-hour broadcast will be hosted by the brother-sister duo LaRue, Christian artists who have consistently taken a stand for sexual purity. The program also will include the new Christian band, Phat Chance, and special musical guest Joy Williams.

Seize the Net Goes Live! will feature an interactive online commitment form along with scrolling e-mails at the bottom of the screen. Those taking part in the event will be able to send and read student online commitments and testimonies of faith and purity.


“It’s all about making the right choices and getting your strength from the right Source,” said Kristi Wyatt of LifeWay student ministry publishing. “God gives us guidance in His Word and power from the Holy Spirit. We see why abstinence is such a smart choice — it’s because it’s God’s plan!”

Seize the Net Goes Live! will air February 13 at 8:00 pm ET and repeat at 10:00 ET via tape delay for the West Coast.

Churches and organizations interested in participating in this event can obtain details by visiting www.FamilyNetTV.com [2] and clicking on Seize the Net Goes Live!