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Mainland church travels to Hawaii for VBS

WAIPAHU, Hawaii (BP)–“Oh, a mission trip to Hawaii … yeah, right.”

A mission team from Millers Creek (N.C.) Baptist Church became familiar with such quips after deciding to go to Hawaii to help with Vacation Bible School and to work at Hawaii Baptists’ Pu’u Kahea Conference Center.

But as with any mission trip, the group provided much-needed and much-appreciated ministry. They just did it in scenic surroundings.

Pastor Jerry White and 21 others made the nine-hour flight from Atlanta to Honolulu full of anticipation. During daytime hours, they did construction and maintenance at the conference center, then 10 of them cleaned up and went to Hawaii Christian Baptist Church’s VBS each evening.

“We took some ribbing for coming here to serve,” White said, “but this seemed like a good match since our North Carolina convention and the Hawaii-Pacific convention are partners. There are a lot of mission opportunities here. We haven’t had much free time, but we came to work and to serve.”

Millers Creek’s children/discipleship pastor Shannon Critcher coordinated the trip and took the lead in working with Danny Catlin, Hawaii Christian’s VBS director.


The North Carolina volunteers co-taught classes and crafts with the Hawaii Christian volunteers and helped with recreation. Critcher led the teaching time. They also loved on the kids.

“These are the sweetest and smartest children,” said Ovie Hamby, one of the North Carolina volunteer who has done crafts in VBS for 54 years. “I just love seeing the children have a good time and learn about Jesus.”

White enjoyed the week at VBS. He is a strong VBS supporter, and with good reason.

“When I was 7 years old, I was saved at Vacation Bible School,” the pastor said.
Polly House is a corporate communications specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.