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New Internet site links the lost with missions-minded Christians

RICHMOND, Va. (BP)–Looking for a free Internet site to tell the world about a people group? Need information to help you pray for the world’s lost billions?

Try PeopleTeams.org on the World Wide Web.

The site, established to help Christians learn about different people groups and their need for the gospel, was launched in October 1999 by a Christian group that remains anonymous in order to foster a large sense of teamwork among Christians.

Missionary team leaders and strategy coordinators can promote a people group by visiting www.peopleteams.org and clicking on “Request a Free Website.”

PeopleTeams.org will host the sites or provide links to existing sites in an advertisement-free environment so “the good news of Jesus Christ spreads to every nation, tribe and tongue.”

The site also helps by providing a place where interested Christians can glean information about a people group or culture and pray according to its particular needs.


PeopleTeams.org currently hosts the websites of several International Mission Board missionaries, including David and Sanan Brazzeal of Canada and Shawn and Mary Risinger of Austria.

Links to other board missionaries’ websites, like the one for Ken and Hazel Sorrell of Guatemala, also are included.

The PeopleTeams site, which had received more than 80,000 hits through February, hosts or links 175 sites about people groups, population segments and cities.