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RESOURCE: Prayer is the most essential element for reopening

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (BP) — Every church in America (and across the world) is making decisions about reopening after the recent months of COVID-19 restrictions. We are developing many practical plans, as we should. But in all of our planning, are we praying? Are we crying out to the head of the Church to give us His mind?

One of God’s agendas in these days is for us to come fully, humbly back to Him. The evidence of this return would be increased, extraordinary prayer. Here are some prayer points that could help us. Incorporate these into your personal and corporate prayer times. What if thousands would humbly pray these prayers together every day across our land?

For our pastors and church leaders

God-initiated wisdom to know when and how to reopen in the midst of changing reports.

Courage to follow God’s leadership.

Balance to know what to observe regarding the government’s suggestions and God’s direction.

Wisdom to know what ministries to reestablish and what to temporarily or permanently cancel, particularly as it relates to children, youth, and adult ministries.

Understanding to know what God is saying and doing during this time and clarity to communicate God’s will to their people.

Sensitivity to the needs and concerns of those who are most vulnerable and how to meet them where they are.

Creativity to adapt and change as God directs.

Pastoral care for their flocks so they may stay in touch and lovingly help them.

For our people

Healing for those suffering from COVID-19 or others who cannot get needed medical help.

Intentionality to make the most of these days, not wasting these precious hours that we have been given with our families and with God.

Love that would lead us to actively minister to our neighbors and those in need.

Generosity to give to the church faithfully and to meet the needs of those who are suffering around us.

Intentionality that would help every believer dramatically increase their prayer life.

Understanding of what God is saying and doing in this season so we can join Him.

For our nation and world

Wisdom for all of our state and national leaders as they make important decisions.

Desperation that would cause us to turn from our idols and to God.

Unity to cry out together all across the land for revival and awakening. A united, repentant, humble cry is irresistible to God.

Revival for every church across our nation! That God would bring us to life again!

Spiritual awakening for the millions of lost people who are headed to an eternity without Christ. That we would see an invasion of God that would bring the greatest spiritual harvest the world has ever known!

    About the Author

  • Bill Elliff