News Articles

SBC Annual Meeting Program

Theme: “Until He Comes…Go!”

Scripture Text: Luke 19:13
“…Occupy till I come”


8:00 Inspirational Music: First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA, Rick Forbus, minister of music

8:15 Congregational Praise and Worship: Bruce Hardy, associate minister of music, First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA

8:20 Call to Order: James Merritt, president, Southern Baptist Convention, pastor, First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA

Registration Report and Constitution of the Convention: Lee Porter, SBC registration secretary, retired, Lawrenceville, GA

8:30 Prayer: Lee Mabry, senior pastor, Fortified Hills Baptist Church, Dallas, GA

8:35 Committee on Order of Business (First Report): Jerry A. Johnson, chairman, assistant director of development, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

8:40 Welcome:Mayor Marc H. Morial, City of New Orleans, LA

8:45 Response: Charles S. (Chuck) Kelley, Jr., president, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA

8:50 Announcement of Committee on Committees, Credentials, Resolutions, and Tellers

9:00 Theme Presentation: First Baptist Church, Dallas, TX, Mac Brunson, senior pastor

9:20 Local Arrangements Committee Presentation: John R. (Jack) Wilkerson, vice president for business and finance, Executive Committee, Nashville, TN

9:25 Crossover New Orleans Report: Robert E. (Bob) Reccord, president, North American Mission Board, Alpharetta, GA

9:30 Introduction of Motions and Resolutions (All Resolutions Must Be Presented Before Today’s Afternoon Session)

9:50 Committee on Nominations Report: John R. Michael, chairman, certified financial planner, Louisville, KY

10:00 Executive Committee Report (Part 1): Morris H. Chapman, president and chief executive officer, Nashville, TN

10:50 Congregational Praise and Worship: Steve White, minister of music, Woodway Campus, Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX

10:55 Worship in Music: Chuck Sullivan, Snellville, GA

11:00 President’s Address: James Merritt

11:40 Benediction: J. Harold Smith, president, Radio Bible Hour, Newport, TN


1:00 Inspirational Music: First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA, Rick Forbus, minister of music

1:10 Prayer: John Cross, pastor, South Biscayne Baptist Church, North Point, FL

1:15 Business: Committee on Order of Business (Second Report) — Jerry A. Johnson

Introduction of Motions, Reporting Proposed Resolutions

1:30 Executive Committee Report (Part 2): Morris H. Chapman

2:10 Messenger Information Survey: John L. Yeats, SBC recording secretary, editor, Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, Oklahoma City, OK

2:15 Election of Officers (First)

2:30 Inspirational Music: Chris Machen, Plano, TX

Until He Comes. . . Go to the Nations!

2:35 Theme Interpretation: Adrian P. Rogers, pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church, Cordova, TN

2:55 International Mission Board Report: Jerry A. Rankin, president, Richmond, VA

3:05 International Mission Board Presentation

3:25 Theme Presentation: Idlewild Baptist Church, Tampa, FL, Kenneth C. Whitten, senior pastor

3:45 Congregational Praise and Worship: Buster Pray, associate pastor of worship, First Baptist Church, Springdale, AR

3:50 Seminary Reports: William O. Crews, Jr., chairman, Council of Seminary Presidents

4:15 Election of Officers (Second)

4:30 Introduction of New Motions (Last Opportunity), Reporting Proposed Resolutions

4:55 Benediction: Jack W. Robbins, pastor, Immanuel Baptist Church, Duncan, OK


6:30 Concert of Praise: Combined Choirs and Orchestras of First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA, Rick Forbus, minister of music; Gardendale Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, TX, Wayne Grothman, minister of music; and Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA, Byron Johnson, minister of music

Congregational Praise and Worship – Rick Forbus

6:45 Prayer: Rudy A. Hernandez, international evangelist, Primera Iglesia Bautista, Grand Prairie, TX

6:50 Election of Officers (Third)

7:00 Southeastern Seminary Presentation: Paige Patterson, president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC

7:15 Business: Committee on Order of Business (Third Report) — Jerry A. Johnson

7:25 LifeWay Christian Resources Report: James T. (Jimmy) Draper, Jr., president, Nashville, TN

7:35 LifeWay Christian Resources Presentation

7:55 Previously Scheduled Business, Reporting Proposed Resolutions

8:20 Inspirational Music: Charles Billingsley, Chris Machen, Chuck Sullivan, and the Combined Choirs and Orchestras of First Baptist Church, Snellville, GA, Rick Forbus, minister of music; Gardendale Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, TX, Wayne Grothman, minister of music; and Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA, Byron Johnson, minister of music

8:30 Convention Message: Fred Luter, Jr., pastor, Franklin Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA

9:05 Congregational Praise and Worship: Keith Ferguson, minister of music, First Baptist Church, Dallas, TX

9:10 Benediction: Howard Baldwin, pastor, Ragland Memorial Baptist Church, Sandy Hook, VA


8:00 Concert of Praise: Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL, Vernon Whaley, minister of music

8:10 Congregational Praise and Worship: Rick Carter, minister of music, First Baptist Church, Greenville, MS

8:15 Prayer: Paul Kaneshiro, pastor, Pukalani Baptist Church, Pukalani, HI

8:20 Annuity Board Report: O.S. Hawkins, president and chief executive officer, Dallas, TX

8:35 Election of Officers (Fourth)

8:45 Business: Committee on Order of Business (Fourth Report) — Jerry A. Johnson

9:05 Previously Scheduled Business

9:20 Committee on Resolutions (First Report)

9:50 Midwestern Seminary Presentation: R. Philip Roberts, president, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO

10:05 Election of Officers (Fifth)

10:15 Committee on Committees Report

10:25 Inspirational Music: Charles Billingsley, Kennesaw, GA

10:30 Recognition of Former SBC Presidents: James Merritt

10:40 Baptist World Alliance: Billy Kim, president, Baptist World Alliance

10:50 Inspirational Music: By Design, Winder, GA

Until He Comes. . . Go to North America!

10:55 Theme Interpretation: Jack Graham, pastor, Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano, TX

11:15 North American Mission Board Report: Robert E. (Bob) Reccord, president, Alpharetta, GA

11:25 North American Mission Board Presentation

11:45 Theme Presentation: First Baptist Church, Malakoff, TX, Robert Webb, pastor

12:05 Benediction: Rob Norris, director of missions, Denver Association of Southern Baptist Churches, Denver, CO


3:00 Concert of Praise: Combined Choirs and Orchestras of Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL, Vernon Whaley, minister of music; and Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon, MS, David Oliver, minister of music; and By Design, Winder, GA

3:10 Prayer: Ted Cabal, professor, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

3:15 Woman’s Missionary Union Report: Wanda S. Lee, executive director-treasurer, Birmingham, AL

3:25 Theme Presentation: Applewood Baptist Church, Wheat Ridge, CO, Calvin Wittman, senior pastor

3:45 Presentation of Outgoing Officers: James Merritt

3:50 Presentation of New Officers: Morris H. Chapman

3:55 Business: Committee on Order of Business (Fifth Report) — Jerry A. Johnson

Election of 2002 Convention Sermon Preacher, Alternate, Music Director

4:05 Previously Scheduled Business

4:20 Committee on Resolutions (Final Report)

4:50 Southern Seminary Presentation: R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

5:05 Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission: Richard D. Land, president, Nashville, TN

5:25 Congregational Praise and Worship: Rick Forbus and By Design, Winder, GA

5:35 Special Guest: James C. Dobson, founder and president, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO

6:05 Concert of Praise: Chris Machen, Luke Garrett, Steve Odom, and the Combined Choirs and Orchestras of Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL, Vernon Whaley, minister of music; and Crossgates Baptist Church, Brandon, MS, David Oliver, minister of music

6:10 Benediction: Ralph Douglas West, pastor and founder, The Church Without Walls, Houston, TX

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