COLOMBUS (BP) — Registration is open for preschool child care, Giant Cow Children’s Ministries, Children in Action Missions Camp and Youth on Mission in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention’s 2015 annual meeting June 16-17 in Columbus, Ohio.
Southern Baptist Disaster Relief child care volunteers will care for preschoolers; Giant Cow Children’s Ministries (formerly Children’s Conferences International) and Woman’s Missionary Union will guide the Children in Action Missions Camp and Youth on Mission curricula and activities.
Preschool child care and activities for children who have completed grades 1-6 will be held at the Greater Columbus Convention Center, the annual meeting site. Youth who have completed grades 7-12 will worship each morning at the convention center before going into the community for hands-on mission projects.
Pre-registration is required and available online at www.sbcannualmeeting.net under the “Children/Youth” tab. Early registration is encouraged, as space is limited.
No onsite registration will be accepted.
Preschool child care
Child care for newborns through age 5 will be available for $25 per child during the SBC Pastors’ Conference, June 14-15, and an additional $25 per child during the annual meeting. In addition, a $10 non-refundable registration fee will be charged per child.
Lunch for preschoolers will be available Monday-Wednesday for $6 a meal.
Parents should pay all related fees when registering to insure their child’s participation. The SBC will verify registrations with an emailed confirmation packet, including a parent’s handbook.
With a theme of “creation,” all lessons, games and rooms will help in teaching preschoolers about creation.
Giant Cow Children’s Ministries
Giant Cow Children’s Ministries will minister to children ages 6-12 during the Pastors’ Conference at a cost of $32 for Sunday evening and Monday combined, or $27 for Monday only. Registration at the door will be $35 for both days, or $30 for Monday only.
Registration is open at https://www.thegiantcow.com/#!sbc2015pre/c1grq.
Children in Action Missions Camp
Children in Action Missions Camp will be offered Tuesday and Wednesday for children who have completed grades 1-6 by May/June 2015.
The theme “The World — Always on God’s Mind” is designed to challenge children to realize their place in answering the Great Commission.
“Children attending the Children in Action Missions Camp will learn that they have been on God’s mind from the beginning and are called to answer the Great Commission,” Heather Keller, camp coordinator and national Woman’s Missionary Union children’s consultant, said.
“In addition to Bible studies, children will visit with missionaries representing both the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board,” Keller said. “Children will also participate in worship sessions, games and recreation, crafts and mission projects.”
The cost is $40 per child, in addition to a $10 non-refundable registration fee per child. No lunch, only snacks, will be provided. Parents will need to pick up their children both days at the conclusion of the morning session.
Youth on Mission
Youth on Mission will be available Tuesday and Wednesday to youth who have completed grades 7-12 by May/June 2015.
“Youth on Mission will have the opportunity to study the Bible together, hear testimonies from North American and International missionaries, and gain a greater understanding of how God can use them in His work in the world,” Suzanne Reece, national WMU student ministry consultant and Youth on Mission coordinator, said. Students will serve through hands-on missions projects in Columbus.
The cost is $55 per youth, in addition to a $10 non-refundable registration fee per youth. Lunch and snacks will be provided both days.