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Soldier: LifeBox made a difference

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–He is the only American in a remote mountain outpost in Afghanistan. He may go without a shower for a month. He hikes and fights everyday. But a simple piece of mail — a LifeBox — lifted the tired warrior’s spirit beyond measure.

Michael Krause, a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, received a LifeBox from someone back home. Besides the candy, gum, wet wipes and other personal items, the LifeBox contained copies of HomeLife magazine, published by LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

“I want to express my sincere appreciation to HomeLife and LifeWay for printing such uplifting and inspiring material,” Krause wrote in an e-mail to LifeWay. “Out here, we don’t get to interact with many fellow followers of Christ, so a magazine or a letter really means a lot, especially during the holiday season.

“I’m a 26-year-old lieutenant in the Marine Corps currently fighting in Afghanistan as an embedded trainer for the Afghan National Army,” he wrote. “This means I train and fight alongside the Islamic soldiers of the Afghan army against the Taliban and al Qaeda. What makes my time here difficult and to some, interesting, is that during college I was an overseas missionary in China and Russia with Campus Crusade, and now I’m the missionary with Muslim warriors.

“As embedded trainers, we spend most of our time in remote outposts alone, hiking and fighting in the mountains with just our Afghan soldiers. Needless to say, it’s a tough place for a Christian to find himself,” Krause added. “A lot of people back home say that my adventures here, given my background, inspire fellow believers in tough spiritual situations.

“Even those who do not know the joy of a personal relationship with Christ are amazed at the love and compassion of Christians back home. The men and women in uniform appreciate even the smallest gesture of support.”

Krause grew up in Columbus, Ga., and graduated from Auburn University in 2004. He said he’s worked from Capitol Hill in Washington to Hawaii where he is stationed now, but he still considers First Baptist Church in Opelika, Ala., his home church.
For information on how your church or association can assemble and send a LifeBox, visit www.lifeway.com/lifebox.

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