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Therapy bans and reports of trans regret grow


ASHEVILLE, N.C. (BP) — The success of LGBT activists in dictating how therapists counsel minors about sexuality and gender dysphoria reportedly continues to gain momentum as 2019 begins. Some pro-LGBT groups want to make it illegal for therapists to encourage children to embrace heterosexuality or their biological sex and expect legislative victories in at least four states this year: Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts and New York.

Fourteen states and the District of Columbia, as well as cities and municipalities in seven other states, have laws against so-called “conversion therapy” on the books. Last week, the Denver City Council reportedly voted unanimously to similarly restrict therapists.

Two Hollywood films released in 2018, “Boy Erased” and “The Miseducation of Cameron Post,” were an apparent attempt to bolster these efforts. The movies showed teens sent to religious programs that used extreme, abusive tactics to rid them of same-sex desires. Newly proposed laws would not only restrict such residential programs, few of which still exist, but also prohibit therapy sessions involving straightforward talk from Christian counselors. Those counselors say prohibiting Bible-based therapy muzzles the free speech of practitioners and denies parents and children access to the treatment of their choice.

The movement against therapists who hold Biblical views of sexuality and gender also appears to ignore a growing population of Americans who openly regret engaging in transgenderism.

Former transgender activist Walt Heyer, 78, had sex change surgery in 1983 and lived as a woman for eight years before he became a Christian and accepted his biological sex. He released “Trans Life Survivors” in October, a book of stories from dozens of individuals who regret their decision to undergo sex change surgery. The book tells 30 stories, but Heyer said hundreds contacted him and said they wished they hadn’t identified as transgender.

“I present this representative group of gut-wrenching personal testimonials to put the transgender advocates on notice: We survivors know there is deep trouble in Trans La La Land,” Heyer wrote in the book’s introduction.


Heyer argues that a childhood event — sexual abuse or being cross-dressed by an adult — often precedes gender dysphoria, which sometimes co-exists with other mental conditions. He contends doctors should slow down and first search for the underlying issues before recommending hormone therapy and surgical procedures. When patients realize a transgender life does not bring the hoped-for relief, the same system of doctors “abandons them to their pain,” Heyer said.

Laws that ban Bible-based counseling make getting help for such minors impossible and ignore deeper issues.

One of Heyer’s examples: A girl, 14, kept asking her mother for boys’ underwear, a short haircut, and to be called by a male name. The mother contacted Heyer, and he encouraged her to talk with her daughter and ask why she was acting this way. The mom learned her first husband had sexually abused her daughter, who said she “wanted to erase her childhood” by becoming a boy. They both wept and continued to talk: The daughter eventually said, “I don’t want to be a transgender. I don’t want to be a boy. I just want to be a girl.”