NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–Just a few decades ago, no one had heard of “pro-gay theology.”
Times, though, have changed.
Today activist groups such as Soulforce regularly picket gatherings of evangelicals, claiming that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. In addition, Metropolitan Community Churches — a nationwide group of churches based in California — asserts that homosexuality is not a sin.
How do they square that with Scripture, and how should Christians react?
“That’s a topic that is becoming more relevant every year as more churches are adopting a pro-gay position,” author and counselor Joe Dallas told Baptist Press. “That’s leaving quite a few Christians wondering what pro-gay [theology] is and how to respond to it.”
Dallas is one of several speakers coming to Nashville, Tenn., Feb 7 as part of Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out conference. The conference is geared toward Christians who desire to learn about the homosexual movement and the best way to reach out to homosexuals. It is also geared toward those who are struggling with homosexuality. It will be held at Two Rivers Baptist Church.
Future conferences are scheduled for Pensacola, Fla., in April and Raleigh, N.C., in June.
Dallas will address three topics: “Understanding pro-gay theology,” “Top ten questions loved ones ask” and “How should we respond?” He is a former homosexual and the author of several books on homosexuality, including “Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle with Sexual Identity.”
“Many of the people who come to the conference are parents or family members with a gay loved one,” he said. “They want to know in practical terms, ‘What should I say? What should I not say? How do I witness to my gay loved one? What boundaries do I draw if my gay son wants to bring his lover over for Thanksgiving dinner?'”
Other topics that the speakers will address include:
— “Why is what they’re teaching so dangerous?” (a look at how homosexual activists have used television and the media).
— “Addressing the pro-gay agenda in your school.”
— “Reaching the homosexual: a caring perspective.”
— “Prevention of male homosexuality.”
— “Questions and answers on lesbianism.”
In addition to Dallas, other scheduled conference speakers are Jane Boyer, a former lesbian and a current speaker for Exodus International; Dick M. Carpenter II, a teacher and public policy analyst; Melissa Fryrear, gender issues analyst for Focus on the Family; Mike Haley, youth and gender analyst for Focus on the Family; and Joseph Nicolosi, president of the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).
For more information about the conference call 1-800-A-FAMILY.