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Wholeness, healing for women goal of drama ministry

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) — A ministry leader receives a troubling medical diagnosis. A preteen is sexually abused by a grown man her mother had introduced as an uncle. A married mother considers adopting until she learns she’s already pregnant with her second child.

These female characters expressing pain are among more than 20 personalities presented in original monologues of Morgan Avery McCoy, a 29-year-old Christian speaker, author and actress in Richmond, Va. McCoy offers the love of Christ as the answer to challenges many women face in contemporary life.

“It’s one thing to hear somebody talk, but it’s another thing to see it played out on stage,” said McCoy, who performs at various venues including colleges and churches, many of them Southern Baptist. “It pulls on your heart a little bit more, hopefully.”

As McCoy is an only child, a single virgin and engaged to be married, she is not able to rely on personal experience to create the majority of her characters, who might have been orphaned, sold into slavery, trafficked for sex, domestically abused, sexually immoral, or might be an elderly widow and sole caretaker of children whose parents are not available. Instead, McCoy relies on godly inspiration, research, her education and the advice of experts in crafting the engaging characters who at times draw empathy and commiseration born of shared or similar experiences.

“I hope that the women will walk in wholeness, to experience healing, deliverance and encouragement. That’s my prayer,” McCoy said, “that every woman that I meet, every woman that I get a chance to speak to … will be encouraged to walk in wholeness and recognize that they’re God’s daughter.”

McCoy is scheduled to perform her show “She’s Got Issues” during the Woman’s Missionary Union Women’s Conference Aug. 26–28 at New Covenant Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tenn., and at the WMU Women’s Weekend Get-Away Nov. 7–9 in Lynchburg, Va. Previous dates have included the 2015 and 2016 Black Church Leadership and Family Conference at Ridgecrest, N.C.; the July 31 youth service of The Light Community Church in Richmond, Va.; a dinner theater at Lewis Missionary Baptist Church [National Baptist Convention USA] in Fayetteville, N.C.; and the Aug. 21 freshmen orientation at Hampton University, where McCoy in 2008 earned a bachelor’s degree in theater performance.

She was valedictorian at Hampton Christian High School, a kindergarten-through 12th grade school in Hampton, Va., and holds a master’s in communications from Regent University.

She developed monologues on Coretta Scott King, Madam C.J. Walker and Michelle Obama, the beginning of her 12-character compilation “Evolution of a Black Girl: From the Slave House to the White House.” Academy Award winner Louis Gossett Jr.’s Eracism Foundation co-sponsored her 2015 30-college tour of the historical monologue compilation, which earned her the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities’ 2015 Cultural Act of the Year prize.

She starred in the 2014 and 2016 dramatic television series “The Heart” from Siri Austin Entertainment, broadcast on FOX’s MyTV, streamed internationally and available on DVD. She has written the monologue and poetry devotional “Something to Talk About,” the drama ministry guide “Drama in the Church: Tips for Effective Drama Ministry,” and the discipleship book “Got Issues? Walking in Wholeness Despite Life’s Issues,” all available at, and McCoy’s website

Saved at age 6 and originally hesitant to accept God’s call to Christian ministry at age 16, McCoy now sees her youth as an asset in reaching younger audiences perhaps resistant to instruction from older adults.

“What’s so amazing to me is God made Himself real to a 6-year-old girl, and I’m really grateful that God doesn’t care about our age,” she said. “He doesn’t look at us as insignificant because of our gender, or because of our age, or because of our background. He loves us and it (salvation) was real for me.”

She has learned much since accepting her call to ministry at age 18, she said, and now serves on the staff of Kingdom Pursuers Ministries (nondenominational) in Chesterfield, Va., as a women’s and children’s minister.

“The best life you can have is with Christ, so it doesn’t make sense to wait until you’ve gotten older to then try God. The best thing to do is to walk with Him now,” she said. “My main desire then and now, when I accepted my call to ministry, is for people to know how much God loves them and understand His desire to be an aspect of every part of our lives.

“I love seeing people walk in wholeness, being set free and knowing that no matter what happens, you know that God is there. Everything that I do is all about showing God being bigger and better and greater than anything.”

McCoy is available for bookings through her ministry M.A.M. Inc. at [email protected].