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Yeats to be re-nominated recording secretary

HAYES, Va. (BP) — John L. Yeats will be re-nominated for another one-year term as recording secretary of the Southern Baptist Convention during the June 19-20 annual meeting in New Orleans, a Virginia pastor has announced.

“John has brought a level of professionalism to this strategic position which balances our need for both the high-tech and high-touch as a denominational body doing the Lord’s business with excellence in the twenty-first century,” Rodney Autry, pastor of Union Baptist Church in Hayes, Va., said in a statement.

“He represents the best in communication theory and practice redeemed by a quality walk with God,” Autry added.

Last year’s annual meeting in Phoenix marked Yeats’ 14th annual meeting as recording secretary.

The SBC recording secretary is responsible for the record of the proceedings of the Southern Baptist Convention, training volunteer pages and the final edit of the SBC Book of Reports and the SBC Annual. The recording secretary also serves as an ex officio member of the SBC Executive Committee.

Yeats designed the process currently used for the flow of information from the convention floor to the platform and distribution to the Order of Business Committee, a process that has enhanced the accuracy of the official record.

Last fall, Yeats was elected executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention. He recently proposed to the Missouri Baptist Executive Board a strategic blueprint based on a growth budget that reallocates Cooperative Program dollars to 50/50 by 2020.

Yeats served for six years as director of communications for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. He is a former editor of state Baptist papers in Oklahoma and Indiana and has served churches in six states during 40-plus years of pastoral ministry.

Yeats is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2006, he received a doctor of ministry degree from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo.

Autry, in his statement, said he will nominate Yeats “because he has proven himself a man of integrity in Baptist life. ‘Integrity’ could well be his middle name. Fractures in our fellowship require someone whose life is Teflon and above reproach to facilitate our records. John Yeats is that man.”

Autry also offered a personal reason for nominating Yeats.

“Countless men of God across our Convention have found a praying friend in John Yeats when in the crucible of life. A couple of years ago I was there and John Yeats was there with me supporting me with his prayers,” Autry said.

“We desire that we have more than the ‘right’ man for leadership among us; we demand men who are right with God as well. John Yeats is that man. This man walks with God. He will serve us and the Lord well.”
Compiled by Baptist Press assistant editor Erin Roach. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter (@BaptistPress), Facebook ( and in your email (

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