SBC Life Articles

Blood Money

Carol Everett is unique to the pro-life movement because she has experience as both an abortion consumer and provider. Attempting to justify her own abortion in 1973, she was led into the abortion industry. This resulted in Carol's ownership interest in two clinics in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. In 1983, Carol experienced a change in her life when she came to know Jesus Christ as her personal Savior. Her perspective offers an inside look at the abortion industry through the eyes of a former insider. The following is from her October 2000 address to the Cincinnati Right to Life Educational Foundation.

It's traditional for a speaker to tell a joke, but this is not a funny subject. This is a serious subject. As we sit here tonight, there are women across this nation counting their money. They're counting and recounting that money, for tomorrow morning bright and early they plan to walk through the door of an abortion clinic — and they don't want to. But the person at the abortion clinic they called sold them that product, and they have committed to a boyfriend, to a husband, to someone to carry through with this murderous decision. And while we're here tonight, they're in pain. The women that had abortions today are suddenly feeling that empty gloom. They're mourning the loss of that baby. You see, they thought it would all be over, but now they clearly know the pain has only started.

So, my friends, I will not tell a joke. But I will tell you how I sold abortions to women and how I encouraged women to have abortions. My goal was for every young woman between the ages of thirteen and eighteen to have three to five abortions.

I knew if I could get them sexually active and on a low-dose birth control pill, they would get pregnant. Then I could sell them abortions. It's called sex education – it is a tool the enemy uses. I used it because I knew any time I went into a school with my so-called "safe sex" message, the pregnancy rate would increase by 50 percent. Of course, I didn't say that to school administrators. I said, "You know these kids shouldn't have sex, but they're going to, so we must teach them how to have safe sex." Doesn't that sound caring? Sensitive?

Obviously, I don't say that anymore. Instead, I say, "We don't take those kids out and get them drunk and try to teach them how to drive safely drunk. We give them a moral absolute: don't drink and drive. If you drink and drive, you could be killed." Why in the world would we compromise our youth with this low moral standard to live down to? They deserve the very highest and best — abstinence — which, quite simply, still works every single time.

Graded Indoctrination

You can't start asking girls to have abortions when they're twelve, so what we did was start very early – actually in kindergarten. You put the kids in a circle and you go around the room asking them what their parents say to call their private parts. Every family has a different name for their private parts, don't they? So by the time you reach that third and fourth child it's clear that their parents do not know what they have. But we did. So as the experts we said, "Boys, this is what you have, and girls, this is what you have. And do not be ashamed of your private parts." Have you ever met a kindergartner in the world who was ashamed of anything? You could see them out there on that playground — he would be showing her and vice versa. We had done it! We'd convinced them their parents knew nothing about sex. We were the experts, and we had started to break down their natural modesty.

For first, second, and third graders the agenda is slightly different. It's quite clearly intercourse. Now, these kids are not interested in intercourse. But we had little books with six- and seven-year-old nude models with diagrams to show them how to have intercourse. We gave one book per classroom — you did not want a parent getting their hands on this book. They use another one now. It's called, It's Perfectly Normal. I call it pornography for ten-year-olds. You can find it in your public library. We all think that libraries are safe don't we? We sometimes go to the library and let our children go one direction while we go the other. Go to the juvenile section of your library and just check to see what sort of pornography is there. It's Perfectly Normal says homosexuality is perfectly normal, masturbation is perfectly normal, abortion is perfectly normal, and certainly, sexual activity is not only perfectly normal but encouraged with the pornographic nude pictures of children.

In the fourth grade it's masturbation. We encouraged them to masturbate alone until they were comfortable, and then in groups of four or five of the same sex. Then in the fifth and sixth grades someone like me came in. My goal was very simple. All I had to do was get them to laugh with me about their parents. If they laughed with me they were part of the problem. They would not go home and tell their parents what we laughed about or talked about. The sad thing is it's very easy to get children to laugh about their parents. I'd say, "Your parents are always telling you what to do, aren't they? Oh yes. And they don't understand you, do they? They don't understand you sexually. Well if you decided that you wanted to become sexually active, would your parents help you get on some method of contraception?" And of course the answer was no. I'd say, "Don't worry about that. Here's my card. Come to me."

Then I gave them a business card. I also passed out condoms, but that was not as important as getting them to come to our clinic so our doctors could prescribe a low-dose birth control pill. The next day, though many times they could not drive, they would come in that facility, and our nine doctors would prescribe that low-dose birth control pill. In order to provide any level of protection it had to be taken accurately at the same time every day. But we knew full well that there is not a teenager in the world who does anything at the same time every day.

Closing In For The Kill

We looked at the Planned Parenthood statistics, so we knew that any time a young woman went on any method of contraception, the sexual activity went from zero or once a week to five to seven times a week. The pill would not work, and we could accomplish our agenda of three to five abortions between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I held the hand of one young woman while she had her ninth abortion. Today, abortion is a method of birth control with almost a 50 percent repeat rate across this nation.

So a girl gets pregnant. Of course, she's going to call me. She had that card that said, "Free pregnancy test, licensed counselors, telephone answered twenty-four hours a day." And she called that number, not understanding that we only sold one product.

Now think through this with me. Have you ever heard a pro-choice person talk about a crisis pregnancy center, or a maternity home, or even the choice of life? The only way we made money was to sell abortions, and we were ready. We trained the people who answered our telephones as telemarketers. Right there over the telephone, the first point of contact — they were trained to sell. They used a script designed to overcome every single objection. That's what sales is about — overcoming objection. So you get the order, in this case the abortion. The young woman would call and confess, "I think I may be pregnant." And the counselor would move right in, reassuring, "We can take care of your problem. No one needs to know."

Then they went directly to the first question, "What's the first day of your last normal period?" The young woman figures that day, gives it to the so-called counselor who puts it on a wheel that is actually designed to calculate the birth date of the baby. But she doesn't talk about birth date or baby. She says, "You're eight weeks pregnant." What did she do? She confirmed this young woman's worst fear, "I'm pregnant." You'd think the girl would say, "Stop! How can you tell me over the telephone that I'm pregnant?" But, this is the pregnancy expert. With that fear confirmed, the seed planted, they move on to identify the fear.

"Is this good news or bad news?" If it were good news, she would not be calling an abortion clinic. When she replies, "bad news," they respond, "Your parents don't have to know. Your husband doesn't have to know. Your boyfriend doesn't have to know. You don't have to drop out of school. You don't have to stop work." They look for that fear and record it on paper. They're going to use it to reaffirm that abortion decision any time that young woman moves away.

What about "parental notice," or "parental consent" laws? Parental notice is in effect in Texas. However, the abortion industry has volunteers who will pay the expenses of any young woman who needs to get through the judicial process. The state pays the major portion, but transportation expenses are paid by the pro-choice movement. They have stated publicly and in print that no girl will ever have to have parental notice in the state of Texas. Pennsylvania has a parental consent law, but when a woman finds that she's pregnant, Pennsylvania considers her an emancipated minor. Therefore, she doesn't need parental consent either. That shouldn't surprise us. Do we think someone who kills babies for a living is going to uphold the law?

The Grisly Business

Saturday is the busiest day in the abortion business. On Saturday, or on any busy day like Friday or Wednesday, they bring the big baby abortions in first. You know that abortions are completed through all nine months of pregnancy, not because of Roe v. Wade but because of Dole v. Bolten, the companion case which said for the health of the mother an abortion could be completed through all nine months. We knew how to get around that health issue. We understood that health encompassed mental health so we would simply say to this frightened young woman, "You would have problems with this pregnancy should you carry to term, wouldn't you?" They would say, "yes," and we would chart it as emotional anxiety.

The biggest baby I ever personally held still for its abortion was thirty-two weeks. That baby clearly could have lived outside its mother's uterus. Abortions in this nation cost from $250 to $8,000. To make the math easy let's just say it costs $4,000. But in the second and third trimester, the abortionist's fee is 50 percent of the total cost. So for that $4,000 abortion, $2,000 goes into his pocket. But he can do three an hour – $6,000 an hour. That's not bad money is it?

Oh, but we all know that over 90 percent of abortions are first trimester abortions and they can't make that much money doing a $300 abortion. In the first trimester, the abortionist's fee is one third of the cost. Let's just say $100. But they use a technique which keeps them doing ten to twelve an hour. They use two teams of two assistants with each abortionist. The first team will set up the first young woman, and the abortionist will go in to do that abortion, while across the hall the second team sets up the second young woman. When the abortionist finishes abortion number one, he will go across the hall to do abortion number two. Team number one will quickly "turn" room number one, which means to get the first young woman out, clean the room, and get the third young woman up. When the abortionist finishes abortion number two he can go back across the hall and do abortion number three. Ten to twelve abortions an hour at a $100 is $1,200 an hour.

Now we did not want to be responsible for any portion of our nine abortionists' malpractice insurance. So we collected their money out of one set of books, and our money out of another set of books. We paid them in cash, no 1099, no W-2. We left it entirely to the discretion of that person who kills babies for a living as to what they reported to IRS — but I'm certain they reported it all, don't you think?

And now, with the addition of RU-486, abortion clinics will also be dispensing this dangerous drug. But they're going to charge that girl the same price for RU-486 as they charge for a surgical abortion. And when she opts for RU-486, she's going to sign a consent form that says if she does not abort within two weeks, she will immediately submit to a surgical abortion. They will charge her the same fee. My friends, the abortion industry has merely found a way to double dip. And we do not even want to talk about the horrors of what RU-486 does to women.

Oh, but they found another way to increase their profit line. Just sell the byproduct. You can't sell babies' organs, but you can charge a site fee for someone to harvest the babies' organs within ten minutes of death. You can charge them to be on site so they can take that little baby's body and dissect it and sell the parts. Have you heard all the wonderful news about stem cell research? And they never talk about the babies that die to allow this research to go forward. They collect $500 for a pancreas — it takes eight babies' pancreases to help one diabetic, and it's temporary so they repeat it every six months. It takes sixteen pancreases to help one diabetic. Parkinson's is a horrible disease, but it takes four babies' brains at $999 for a perfect brain. But what if one's contaminated? So they harvest five. My friends, an abortion clinic can easily add a $5,000 profit to their month by simply leasing a very small space.

The abortion industry must be stopped. We absolutely must elect a pro-life president to protect the judicial system of this nation. We must protect this country.

Crisis Pregnancies

I'm here because of four crisis pregnancies. The first one was when I was sixteen. I wish you could see Joe Bob – with that name you know we're real Texans, don't you? He's the president of his own company. He's a successful young man, and he's married to Carol Everett Jr. That's her name. The problem is that we act alike, not that we have the same name. Carol's mother was sixteen also and placed Carol for adoption. Those two unplanned pregnancies, those two crisis pregnancies, are the parents of the first planned pregnancies that we can find anywhere in our family. They have an angel named, Jeffrey Blane. Jeffrey Blane is six years old and thinks his grandmother is the neatest thing in the whole world. Eighteen months later they had a little girl, and they named that poor child Mason. I refuse to call the little girl a bricklayer. So I call her Mimi. And then eleven months later they had a surprise — Landry.

When I look at my son today, I think of how we tell a sixteen-year-old she can do anything in the world except have a baby in a crisis situation. And I think of how different my world would be without my son, without my first crisis pregnancy, and how different this whole world would be. The truth of the matter is, very few of us were planned.

The second is far too much like me to talk about. It's my daughter Kelly who's thirty-six. Kelly is married to a young man who will not go anywhere with me, for I introduced him as a young woman one time. I don't know why. I just did it. But if I have a microphone, he's not there. They have a wonderful little girl named Rebecca who is two. Kelly is a very hurt young woman — my daughter is the child I forced to work in the abortion clinic from age fourteen. It's called the sins of the mother. I didn't realize that she started drinking when she was fifteen. And though she doesn't drink when she's pregnant, my daughter is an alcoholic. Oh, I'm convinced God's going to bring her out of it. But it's much harder to watch your sins in the life of your children than it is to have those consequences in your own life.

The third reason I'm here you will never see unless you look very closely at that army of aborted babies in heaven. She is the child that I didn't welcome into my home, the child I didn't want, the child I aborted. The moment the anesthesia wore off, my first thought was, "I'm a murderer." You can't call your mother or your best friend and say, "I'm depressed. I just killed my baby." So I did what women do. I suppressed those feelings. I entered into those self-destructive tendencies and for thirteen years I would never tell anyone I was bad enough to have killed my child. I know this is twisted, and people don't understand it, but in that sick, sick way I sold abortions to other women. Each day when another woman had an abortion, if she was ok, in some very twisted way I thought perhaps I was ok. And I evolved into the abortion industry first working for a man who owned abortion clinics and then taking his best abortionist and opening our own abortion clinics in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Twenty-five dollars for an abortion. But the last month we did five hundred and forty five abortions, which means my last month's income was $13,625.

I named her Heidi. Heidi actually means "noble," but that's not what it means to me. It means "hidden," for you see my friends, she's hidden from you, but she's why I'm here tonight. And I came here with a prayer, a prayer that you would hear something in this room tonight that would encourage you to go on with your work, that would encourage you to stand strong in your convictions, that would encourage you to get involved in this election. My friends, we can win if we stand together.

There's a fourth unplanned pregnancy in my life. And I know this one's in most of your lives too. This one is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Do you ever think of how God must have been thinking of us tonight when He sent His Son in the form of what today would surely be considered an unplanned pregnancy? What a message He sent to us of how He would have us care for those babies.



A Letter to Heidi

The following was written by Carol Everett to her aborted daughter, Heidi.

Heidi, I wish I could see you right now and hold you. But, for now I can only share with you what's on my heart.

I hope you like the name I've given you. Precious one, you were hidden from me for seventeen years. I'm sorry it took me so long to acknowledge you.

Although you have never physically lived on this earth, you have lived for more than eighteen years in my heart. It's true, your father and I had no place for you in our home, but you have always had a home in my heart. You will live there as long as I live. I wear my gold, "precious feet" pin everywhere I go to remind me of you.

Heidi, nothing can replace the loss of you. But I want you to know your death has not been without purpose. The love God has shown to me in forgiving me compels me to work hard, telling every mother and father I can about my mistake. I try to help them hear the cry of their unborn child, saying, "I want to live. I want to have a chance to grow to my full potential. Don't shut me out before I have an opportunity to share my life with you. Don't shut your heart to me."

I'm also trying to help all of the families who have been damaged by abortion. I want them to discover the power of love that I know today and continue to see working in our family.

Heidi, I look forward to seeing you in heaven, in your home. I know you and your Aunt Tooter, Gangi, and our other loved ones are already there, having a glorious time.

Heidi, you'd be graduating from high school this year and preparing to go off to college. I'd be helping you select a college, just like I did with your brother and sister. They'd be right in the middle, helping us with your selection! You'd really love Joe Bob and Kelly as I do.

I have a special request to make of you, one which I think you can honor. Please sing a song to the Lord a joyful song of thanksgiving for all the love He's shown to our family.

Heidi, I love you, and miss you with all my heart. I can hardly wait to hug you and join you in our heavenly home.

From Blood Money by Carol Everett, page 209.



The Faithful Prayer …

In 1981, Bill Merrell faced off against Carol Everett in a school board debate over sex education in schools. At the time, Merrell was a pastor in a Dallas suburb, and Everett was part owner of two Dallas abortion clinics. Merrell relates that throughout the debate Everett was caustic and harsh. Everett said that following the clash she lashed out against Merrell and was especially hostile toward him.

But after the debate, Merrell felt compelled to pray for Everett's salvation. For six months her name and face would come to mind while he was praying and he would earnestly pray for her.

A few years later, he heard Everett's testimony on a Focus on the Family radio broadcast, and in 1989 he saw Carol at a pro-life rally. He told her of his experience in prayer on her behalf. As they continued to discuss her salvation, they discovered that her sense of conviction began during the six months following their debate. Not long afterward, she prayed to receive Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

What could happen if Christians across our land started praying earnestly for the salvation of the nearest abortion-clinic owners, doctors, and workers?

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