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Cooperating for the Gospel CP Makes GPS Possible


For approximately twenty years, I served as a senior pastor or associate pastor in Southern Baptist churches. During these years, I have explained to church members, prospects, and the unsaved what the Cooperative Program is and how it works.

I have now learned that I never did the Cooperative Program justice in my explanation. As I serve New Mexico Baptists as director of evangelism and discipleship, I am beginning to fully experience the depth of the Cooperative Program.

One way the Cooperative Program is impacting New Mexico Baptists is through the GPS (God’s Plan for Sharing) initiative. The overall plan is “Every Believer Sharing the Gospel and Every Person Hearing the Gospel by 2020.” This is not just New Mexico but all of North America. The Cooperative Program is making this possible.

In 2010 the emphasis was on sowing the gospel throughout the state. In 2011 the GPS focus is on “attractional events.” This August, BCNM staff and representatives from the North American Mission Board will conduct regional equipping times in how to carry out effective “attractional events.” This is being accomplished through the Cooperative Program.


The Evangelism Response Center will be providing the 800 number and the website for response to the Gospel; and the training and the meetings would not be achievable without the Cooperative Program.

It’s really overwhelming to think about. For one church to attempt this would be cost prohibitive. But as local churches work in conjunction with their association and the state convention, with the cooperation and assistance from NAMB, it is possible.

Because of the Cooperative Program, we are able to conduct equipping for churches and associations.



What would it take to see the Great Commission fulfilled in our lifetime? That was the question a number of leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention considered beginning in 2006. After much prayer, study, and the eventual involvement of hundreds of Southern Baptists across the nation, they developed the GPS vision:

Every Believer Sharing, Every Person Hearing by 2020

For more information, go to: www.gps2020.net