SBC Life Articles

Doing All She Can, With What She Has, Where She Is … NOW!

How many of us become consumed with our problems, difficulties, or life-threatening diseases when they come our way? Below you'll find a very special lady who made a choice to live for Jesus, encourage others, and win souls for as long as He gives her breath.

In January of 2004, I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer, and my life became a nightmare through chemo treatments. Each month I could do less. I couldn't drive, attend church, mission meetings, evangelism classes, or go on mission trips.

What I could do was continue my daily Bible study and pray. "If I could only witness" became a constant thought. So I prayed to God to send me someone to witness to. My cancer went into remission, but other major health problems became evident.

During the first three weeks of 2005 God sent me, each day, someone to witness to. Sometimes it would be three or four people. Sometimes it was by phone, someone coming to my door, or during one of my infrequent trips out of my house.

Once, I received a wrong number from someone in Deltona, but before they hung up, I asked them if they knew they were going to heaven. I found out a visiting nurse from Hospice, who had just moved to the area, was a Christian. Her husband had died within the last six months, leaving her with two small children. I was able to pray with her and direct her to our church so that she could be encouraged and loved.

There were also two children from our neighborhood I was able to talk to. After a doctor's appointment, during lunch, I was able to witness to our waitress.

Later that week, again while eating out, I discovered our waiter was new to the area and wanted to get back in church — along with his brother and wife. I was able to direct them to our church. That same young waiter told a friend at the restaurant about our Singles' Ministry, and he caught me on my way out to say he was going to come with him to church.

A week later, while at the vision center, I asked the gentlemen fitting me with glasses if he knew where he would be spending eternity. It turned out he was Jewish but knew little about his religion or mine. I told him that my Savior was a Jew and asked if he would like to know more about Jesus. He said he would, so I was able to schedule a visit from our pastor to share more with him.

It is amazing, when you ask the Lord to give you people to encourage toward Him, how the doors just begin to open. I continue to pray that I will have the eyes to see opportunities in every phone call, knock on the door, or trip to the doctor.

You know, I am consumed — not with my health, so much — but with whom the Lord is going to send my way. What a Savior! What a friend in Jesus we have!

~ Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, First Baptist Church, Daytona Beach, Florida

As David Ring would say, "Buddy, what's your problem?" Everyone Can…Witness, Win, and Baptize. But we must become more intentional. Many in our great Convention are moving forward in…doing all they can, with all they have, where they are … NOW! How about you?

Editor's Note: Look for Bobby Welch's new book, You, The Warrior Leader, published by Broadman & Holman and available at LifeWay Christian Stores.

    About the Author

  • Bobby H. Welch