SBC Life Articles

Draper: “Education Minus God Equals Chaos”

An educational system that has rejected the oneness of God over the last forty years is to blame for the chaotic culture of the last half of the 20th century, James T. Draper, Jr. said during a March lecture series at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.

"It cannot be denied that the national separation of education and religious faith is directly related to the radical changes that started in the 1960s in this country," said Draper, president of the Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. "Since that time, to place your children in public education has been to place them on a battlefield of opinion that is very, very dangerous."

Christian teachers in the public schools are the key to turning the American educational system back to Christ, Draper said, and Christians must use every means necessary to see that Christianity is presented in its historical context in school curriculums.

Calling for an end to education cloaked in pluralism and neutrality toward God, Draper said education practiced under the fearful respect of God is the answer to restoring stability and strength to an unraveling society.

"The biologist will trace all of life back to Him," Draper envisioned. "The chemist will see in Him the great binding mystery that holds together the molecules of matter. The historian will see in Him the key to all of history, and the philosopher will see the end of all speculation at the foot of the cross.

"The anthropologist will see every tribe, nation, and people finding their ultimate destiny in Christ. The mathematician will confess that one plus one plus one equals three in the great triune God, and the professor of literature will hold the words of Jesus above Shakespeare, Milton, Dante, and Wordsworth as the highest expression of our literature."

Draper cited Deuteronomy 6:4-9 as God's plan for education. The verses contain the commandment that the "Lord is One." Parents are instructed to teach God's commandments to their children and succeeding generations. These verses, called the Shema, are still recited twice each day by orthodox Jews.

Taking aim at higher education, Draper said few colleges or universities have remained faithful to their original mission.

"You can argue if you will about the need for pluralism and neutrality toward religion, but don't try to substantiate it by history," Draper said. "It just isn't there."

Draper cited Duke University's founding bylaws that stated the "aims of Duke University are to assert a faith in the eternal union of knowledge and religion set forth in the teachings and character of Jesus Christ, the Son of God."

According to Draper, in 1924, chapel attendance was required at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Yale, and Princeton. By 1939, most universities still held voluntary chapel services.

One of the central events leading to the downfall of modern education, Draper said, is the U.S. Supreme Court decision targeting school prayer. Draper said that since 1963, the average SAT scores have dropped considerably, birthrates for unwed mothers have increased, the abortion rate has soared, and premarital teenage sexual activity has increased.

Meanwhile, Draper said, the number one problem reported in school today is rape, a far cry from 1963 when talking in class topped the list.

"It's impossible to have a knowable universe if there is no center of being," Draper explained.

The great universities of the world were founded in Western society where there was a Christian culture based on the unity of a knowable God, he said, noting when God is taken out of schools, as He has been today, this unity is lost.

Another factor in the separation of God from higher education is the disdain of Jesus Christ, Draper charged. In the name of progress, he said, the university has sought to free people from the shackles of Christianity by doing away with Jesus entirely.

While it's popular to talk about God, spirits, and angels, Draper said, there is a great hostility to discussing the name of Jesus.

"I believe that much of the reason of the abandonment of the oneness of God as the basis for all truth is the ambivalence in the pulpit, and the subsequent fall of the minister into disrespect in our society," Draper said.

Once the pulpit is reclaimed, Draper said, the universities can be claimed for Christ as well. "When the oneness of God is preached in the pulpit, and when this is linked to education in the universities, a knowable universe is revealed," he said.

Draper said Christians must challenge society's pluralistic ideology by evangelizing the nation for Christ. He said Christianity was born in a pluralistic setting and can continue to grow in such a setting.

"It is true in the academy as in all other places that if Christ be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Himself," Draper said.



Moral Chaos

A solid majority of Americans believe their own moral standards are higher than those of President Clinton, according to a March 24 USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll.

However, 54 percent of those questioned for the survey say the president's personal life doesn't matter as long as he does a good job of running the country.

Forty-five percent said his personal life does matter because a president's moral character is important.

Sixty-nine percent said Clinton's morals are lower than their own and 22 percent about the same. Three percent said the president's standards are higher and 6 percent had no opinion.

    About the Author

  • Greg Carpenter